Chapter 669 - 669 Chapter 669 A Passed Exam And A Sister-in-law Who Came Out Of Nowhere.

For his part, Desmond was too focused on enjoying the food to pay attention to the way the girls were looking at him. You couldn’t blame Desmond for all of this, aside from the fact that his appetite was always large, he had spent too much time stranded in a world where cannibalism was the rule, and had to support himself on blood, which quite frankly was still bizarre.

While Desmond now found blood incredibly delicious, it was also true that he hadn’t had a good morsel of food since then, hence why he looked like a hungry beast eating.

Finishing the beef noodle broth he was holding, Desmond took his attention from the food for a second to talk about Sasha. “So how do you think Sasha is doing?”

Being the one who paid the most attention to many details due to her maternal personality, Cecilia was the one who responded. “Sasha has been studying alchemy non-stop ever since we arrived. Sasha has read every book she could get her hands on and she has practiced with every material her money could buy, she is more than ready.”

Revna added. “Miss Sasha has an extraordinary talent and she received guidance from an acquaintance of yours Desmond, Miss Ai Zuling, since then her progress has only skyrocketed.”

Claire nodded after drinking some tea and picked up where Revna left off. “According to what Mei Fei Long and Miao Xiauyue told us, Sasha is already one of the best alchemists on the continent, although she is a long way from being the best of all.”

Desmond couldn’t have been more satisfied and proud after hearing the girls speak for Sasha, both for the achievements of his beloved alchemist and for how well the girls got along with each other.

Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Claire took the opportunity to question Desmond about his mission, but all she received was a hollow, tired smile. “We will talk about that later.”


Sensing that he was being too blunt, Desmond added. “But I can tell you that we have a new member of the family.” Seeing the intense and dangerous look he was receiving, Desmond quickly cleared up any possible misunderstanding. “I suppose you could consider her my sister in a way.”

To Desmond’s surprise, none of the girls changed the way they looked at him. Shocked, Desmond thought twice and realized that Claire was technically his adoptive sister and he had still been romantically and sexually involved with her, setting a precedent for the girls’ suspicions.

Feeling quite helpless about his own history, Desmond decided to add one last thing. “I know it sounds weird, but she is technically my blood sister.”

Seeing the way Claire seemed about to say that was impossible, Desmond was forced to reveal some of his histories and talk about the woman who had become his blood sister.

While a very awkward conversation was taking place in a nearby restaurant without her knowledge, Sasha had been called back to deliver the results of the elimination exams. Due to the huge number of applicants, the names were put on a huge board by ranking, and those who did not appear were the ones who failed the test.

To the surprise of some who were paying attention, as soon as Sasha heard that the names were arranged in order according to their scores, she did not hesitate to go directly to the top of the board to find her name among the first places.

While this seemed arrogant to the viewers, Sasha didn’t see it that way and it turned out that she was the one who was right. Just as she had expected, Sasha saw her name ranked fourth on the theory test. Although pleased with the results, that didn’t stop Sasha from looking at the top four places, where she saw a familiar name: Ai Zuling.

Seeing the mentor in second place, Sasha became even more intrigued by first place, which belonged to a girl who clearly used a pseudonym, she called herself sublime lotus.

The next part was to review the results of the first practical test. This time there was no classification by points or anything like that, since the purpose of the test was very clear, to see if someone could refine the requested medicine or not.

On this occasion, a list of all the people who did not advance to the next round was published, so Sasha did not even deign to look at the list and went directly to receive her pass for the first rounds of the real tournament.

The person in charge of handing out the emblems was very surprised to see Sasha walking towards her like that, but seeing some other people do the same, she understood that these were alchemists who had nothing to fear from the practical test, and indeed, she did not take long to deliver the insignia.

“The next round will be in two hours, on the main stage, you can take that time to rest, meditate, eat, or whatever you want.” Someone else from the staff announced.

Sasha wasn’t particularly proud of having passed the preliminary tests, so her arrival at the restaurant with the rest was quite simple. When she arrived, Sasha was greeted by a very strange atmosphere. It wasn’t sadness but simple discomfort that she could see on the faces of all the girls, that and a look of helplessness on Desmond’s face.

One could imagine the surprise when she asked about it. “It seems we have a new sister-in-law, who was once an empress and currently has the power to crush entire worlds.” That was what Claire said.

In addition to the shock of seeing Claire so uncomfortable, the part about a new sister-in-law who could crush planets also caught Sasha’s attention. Without needing to be asked about it, Desmond explained the subject. “Take a seat, Sasha, take the opportunity to eat something, the story will be a long one.”

Sasha was speechless, and judging by the faces of the rest of the girls, they were the same, and this was the second time they heard the story. As if she sensed that everyone was making things bigger than they should be, Kyuru poked her small head out of Desmond’s clothing and commented. “I don’t know why you make such a fuss, my mom is the queen of fairies and she rules a whole world full of fairies. As far as I know, she’s even infamous for destroying entire star systems, Desmond’s new sister doesn’t seem so dangerous.”

Kyuru just poured oil on the flames, and as an arsonist would, she stood quietly watching the world burn around her with a smile. Truly mother and daughter, Kyuru was much like the woman known as the mother of all fairies, though perhaps that was just the way fairies were in general, adorable little creatures who loved to get into mischief.

Whatever the case, Desmond took his time trying to calm the girls down. Curiously, the only thing that calmed them down was a comment Desmond made about the life expectancy of both his and Lilith.

Contrary to what one might expect, the girls were happy to know that Desmond would live a long if not endless life, they didn’t even question if they would live that long. But that wasn’t what calmed the girls down, it was the part about the way beings like Lilith viewed time,; in Desmond’s words “It could be decades or even centuries before Lilith even thinks of visiting me.”

With tens if not hundreds of years as a buffer, it seemed a lot less terrifying to have to meet Lilith, the former Empress who had very abruptly become Desmond’s blood sister.

Desmond had little to say about it, his connection to Lilith came from their blood and it couldn’t be underestimated how strong that bond was, but at the same time, they barely knew each other, so he was a little excited to meet his new sister but he was also somewhat indifferent to how long that would take.

Unfortunately, there was no more opportunity to discuss the matter further, as it was time for Sasha to show up for the continuation of the tournament. Since this part was going to be carried out in public, Desmond and the rest also had to get to the arena and find a good spot from which to observe everything.

“We were originally going to go with Fei Long and Xiauyue and share a private box, but they were told they had two assigned so they gave us one of these.” Revna commented.

Taking Fei Long’s barely subtle gesture to give them privacy, Desmond decided to thank her later, perhaps when they shared drinks. “Well, what are we waiting for? It’s time to see Sasha kick ass.”

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