Chapter 655 - 655 Chapter 655 Titania’s Seven Blades.

As one of the largest powers of the order faction outside of the Celestials due to its enormous military might, Echanistia feared only a few powers and beings throughout the cosmos, unfortunately, one of those beings had come to visit.

Inside the intelligence room from which all planetary-scale defense systems are operated, panic spread as dozens of alarms went off warning of an incoming threat.

Quickly, defense scanners detected and tracked a huge energy signature, finding a woman standing in the middle of space. As cybernetic or mechanical life forms, the emotions of the people within the room were of a different nature than normally seen in organic life forms. However, you could still see the fear in their eyes when they saw the information window that popped up from the facial recognition done on the woman.

Dressed from head to toe in a tight-fitting one-piece leather suit, a black-eyed Titania held in her hand an immense black Claymore, which seemed to contain nebulae within its shaft. Besides her face, the only other bit of skin Titania showed was her plunging cleavage that was left bare, but no one had time to pay attention to such detail, not when a lunar-class, lunar eclipse phase lifeform was pointing its sword at their world.

Without even thinking, the person in charge linked to the digital defense systems and erected the planetary-scale energy shield. From hundreds of different locations on the ground, beams of light shot up into the sky where they connected with hundreds of orbiting satellites. A second later, the satellites linked together, creating a web of light that soon became a curtain of energy.

As if everything that will happen in the world under her feet had nothing to do with her, Titania stared silently with black eyes that seemed to devour any trace of light around her. Once the energy shield was finished erecting, Titania spoke for the first time, being much more direct than the purple Titania. “You have something that does not belong to you, give it back.”

A simple and direct order, with no need for verbal threats behind it, given the sword in her hand, the consequences of not obeying were implied. Having gained confidence due to the shield that now protected the world, Echanista’s higher-ups headed for Titania without propriety.

“Worthy to be called the mad queen, you come into our world making unreasonable demands on things we know nothing about, I guess that’s to be expected. Everyone knows that for the legendary Titania, things like rules or decorum mean nothing.”


Titania was silent for a moment, watching the energy shield around Echanistia gauging its defensive capabilities. Titania quickly realized where the arrogance of those people came from since the strength of a sun class was needed to destroy that shield; quite an achievement worthy of being praised throughout the cosmos since it was made only with technology.

However, Titania did not feel admiration when she saw the shield of light around Echanistia; no, she felt anger. “So you don’t know anything, it must be my sources who are wrong then, since you guys don’t know anything about a project to use fairies as power cores for a new generation of mana reactors specially tuned to the laws of nature; reactors that are currently powering the shield that defends this world.”

Without even trying to make an excuse, as soon as the charade was compromised, Echanistia’s defense systems deployed, pointing thousands of energy cannons at Titania. At the same time, legions of starships and mecha fanned out preparing for space combat against Titania.

Seeing all this, Titania remained cold and emotionless, something that was in stark contrast to her extremely sensual and provocative appearance. The only thing Titania did to defend herself against the attacks was to put her sword in front of her body as a shield.

The leader commanding the defense systems sneered upon seeing Titania’s actions, knowing full well that even a Lunar-class powerhouse would be turned to space dust under their firepower.

Out of sight of this leader, a secondary profile displayed by the facial recognition system could be seen, one that identified this version of Titania by the color of her eyes, clothing, and her sword; one that came with a title: the impenetrable shield.

A second later, everyone in the room could see the true terror involved in facing one of Titania’s seven blades, and why she had been known as the impenetrable shield despite using a sword like the rest.

Just an instant ago, the sky and space were devoured by all the beams of light that shot toward Titania, but all those attacks meant nothing as a black hole expanded from Titania’s sword, devouring all the incoming attacks.

Remaining as nonchalant as she had been from the beginning, Titania said only one thing as she pointed her sword down. “Give me the fairies.”

Of course, Echanistia refused, they considered all technology as something sacred, and they would never give up the fairies that were now used as nuclei for their new mana reactors. Seeing the armies mobilized against her, Titania raised her sword, immediately appearing among the troops.

“Good steel should be used to make a good sword, not these nasty machines.” Accompanied by a very rare comment from this Titania who seemed to be more silent, she unleashed a wave of destruction. With each swing of her sword, gravitational waves, and small black holes completely devastating her enemies, no one managed to even get close to her.

Back at the command center, the Echanistia leaders seemed furious, the number of resources invested in the army that Titania slaughtered was astronomical. Unfortunately, Echanistia lacked sun-class overlords, all of their military power depended on their advanced weaponry, the army of mecha, and the fleets of starships.

“She seems to be having fun.” Suddenly, Titania’s voice interrupted the computational processes of the Echanistia leaders, who saw a woman standing between them that shouldn’t be there. Dressed in a white qipao, with a white tang sword in hand, a white-eyed Titania with her hair arranged in a bun appeared in the middle of the room.

“How are you here? How did you get past our defense systems?” Horrified, the Echanistia leaders could only question the new Titania as they cautiously backed away.

This Titania seemed much more lively than the last, but there was still a deep anger in her eyes. “I am the white blade, there is no barrier that my sword cannot penetrate. Even though I’m pretty bad at fighting multiple enemies and my defenses are the lowest among the seven blades, I’m very confident when it comes to the edge of my sword.”

As soon as she finished speaking, hundreds of alarm notifications went off, all coming from the mana reactors that powered the planetary-scale defensive barrier. A second later, the light beams from the ground ceased and the barrier fell.

Seeing the fall of the barrier, the Titania in white smiled and commented. “Oh right, before I came here I took a walk and left portals in each of the reactors, right now, the fairies you held captive must be being brought back to Avalis by my companions.”

No one dared say a word in front of the mad queen who had somehow sneaked into their command center, it didn’t help that the Titania in black had already finished dealing with their mecha army and the space fleet or that the barrier that protected their world collapsed.

Seeing the silence of the high command, the Titania in white smiled almost radiantly, a second later, the white sword in her hands plunged into the head of one of the leaders. “I’m sorry, but at least I had to take the life of the person in charge of this project that used my daughters as batteries. Don’t bother, I destroyed his information core and isolated his body with a barrier that prevented him from backing up his consciousness to revive in another mechanical body; he is truly dead.”

The titania in white spoke as if she was doing the group of leaders some kind of favor by saving them the effort of trying to resurrect one of their own, one could only marvel at the sadistic humor this seemingly pure and vivacious version of Titania had.

Helpless, the council of Echinastia had to fall obediently silent as Titania strutted around the hall.

“It’s time; we have more raids assigned.” Commented the Titania in black, when she appeared next to her companion in white. The next instant, both of them disappeared.

“Sir… do you want us to trace your spatial coordinates back to your origin?” Suggested one of the men operating one of the many defense systems. Obtaining only a discouraged response. “To what end? That woman is not someone we can deal with… Pass my order, all research or projects related to fairies are canceled and any further research is prohibited.”

“But sir.”

“It is an order; it is not worth our civilization to be annihilated for clinging to one of the many paths offered by knowledge.”

Similar scenarios played out anywhere Titania’s seven blades were deployed, where absolute power was used to subdue anyone who opposed the fairy queen’s orders.

In just a couple of hours, Titania was finished, and both the chaos and order factions could only watch helplessly as the mad queen razed everything in her path. Anyone stupid enough to get in Titania’s way by destroying her puppets received a personal visit from the fairy queen, which always ended the same way.

In the end, Avalis’s sky went dark, and Titania leaned back on her throne, utterly exhausted, so pale it seemed even a breeze could kill her in her current state. Tears of blood were dripping from Titania’s eyes, and it could be seen that the metallic shine in her eyes now seemed to have been lost, probably only the queen of the fairies knew the kind of price she had to pay for doing something so absurd at such a high price. big scale.

However, even in her near-death state, surrounded by her seven blades, Titania smiled with a love that would make even Myrilla cry, the same smile present in all her metal clones who now cared for and played with the fairies of Avalis. consoling them after being scared by all of the above.

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