Chapter 652 - 652 Chapter 652 An Unparalleled Mind.

Though dim, Lilith could still feel the fluctuations of arcana coming from the body, a nauseating sensation of corruption and madness that was impossible to mistake. Lilith found it challenging to accept that her mortal enemy had died so abruptly at someone else’s hands. Yet, she knew that reality was not there to please her whims.

Speaking of reality, Lilith now looked more seriously at Titania. Titania’s otherworldly beauty aside, what caught Lilith’s attention was that she was, in fact, unable to sense any fluctuations of power coming from her.

Not knowing what else to say, Lilith turned to Katya. “I’m surprised you had someone willing to help you; you don’t seem like the sociable type.”

Giggling, Titania responded to Lilith’s comment. “She’s certainly not the most outgoing person I know, but she still makes good company. However, it seems to me that you have a misunderstanding.”

To Lilith’s annoyance, Titania stopped mid-sentence and didn’t explain anything at all. Sensing Lilith’s irritation, Katya decided to intervene, as she had no interest in serving as entertainment for the ever-capricious fairy queen. “She’s not helping me; she’s just helping herself. In other words, the only reason she was even involved in all of this is that she’s the mastermind behind it. Although for you and me, it could be revenge, for her, all this is nothing more than a little entertainment, not to mention that she is the biggest winner here.”

Finishing saying her part, Katya walked over to Titania’s throne and tossed the information disc at her. “Here is all the information you wanted from the association’s database. It also includes a record corroborating the removal of the information you requested to be destroyed from their database.”

For the first time since they met, Titania smiled genuinely. “In the name of the kingdom of Avalis, Titania thanks you.”

Katya only nodded in response. Despite her somewhat troublesome and capricious personality, if there was one thing Titania never joked about, it would be Avalis’ well-being. Titania was considered a goddess by the fairy race and always put her people first.


Those who were fooled by Titania’s childish and playful side, and conspired against her fairies, always ended up paying the price. Knowing more than most about the fairy queen, Katya knew better than anyone how terrifying Titania’s intellect and wisdom were.

Contrary to popular opinion, Titania was not only a temperamental woman with an absurd amount of power, but she also had a mind that could cause the destruction of entire worlds if she put it to it.

However, in her day-to-day life, Titania devoted most of her attention to caring for the billions of fairies that inhabited the world of Avalis, fulfilling the daunting task of being a mother to all of them.

In fact, many considered Titania one of the strangest overlords precisely because the only ambition and desire she pursued was the welfare of Avalis, viewing her role as queen of the fairies as a pompous name for a woman who decided to play house with a whole world as a playing field. Of course, anyone with any intellect would realize how terrifying it was to have the spiritual and mental capacity to raise billions of fairies simultaneously.

In fact, Titania was considered almost a deity because of her gift of taking care of all of Avalis personally, reaching a form of pseudo-omniscience within her realm.

Unfortunately, Lilith was unaware of all this, not to mention that she had been buried in a grave for a long, long time. Hence, patience and good manners were not the order of the day. “So you’ve been pulling this Celestial’s strings; in that case, you owe me an explanation.”

Despite looking directly at Titania as she spoke, Lilith suddenly lost sight of the woman, sensing someone slapping her rear at the same time as her disappearance. With the resounding sound of that spanking came Titania’s giggling voice. “Manners are called for when talking to a queen in her throne room.”

Alarmed, Lilith used blood magic to create a detection field around her, but she found no one. Before Lilith realized what the hell was happening, she saw Titania again sitting placidly on her throne as if nothing had happened.

The word terror could not finish describing what Lilith was feeling at that moment. What Titania had just done escaped from the realm of speed. In fact, it escaped from any notion that Lilith had about movement; that’s how big the power gap was between the two.

Interrupting Lilith’s chaotic thoughts, Katya decided to break her silence. “You should be careful, Lilith. To that woman, we are no different from dust particles.”

Complementing Katya’s comment, Titania added. “That’s not true; you girls are so much more fun. How is Soi Fong? Are you still trying to avoid her?”

Although she expected to cause some kind of reaction in Katya by mentioning that dragon race girl, Titania certainly did not expect to see Katya looking so uncomfortable; she was even blushing. For a moment, Titania even wondered if she had fallen for the illusion of a powerful arcanist, but such a thing was simply impossible.

Seeing that she was being ignored again, Lilith wanted to interrupt. Yet, being smarter this time, she was polite in addressing Titania. “Excuse me, your Majesty, but I would really like to know what is happening here.”

Unfortunately, Lilith’s question was met with silence. Blinking in surprise, Lilith was again met with an empty throne, only this time, there was no joke or comment left behind by Titania.

Feeling the need to intervene, Katya spoke on behalf of the fairy queen. “You can’t expect someone like her to engage in conversations that she finds boring; she’s pretty unreasonable in that regard. Knowing her, she must be somewhere in Avalis, giving all of her love to a small group of naive fairies; she’s wonderful in that way.”

After being left speechless for a moment by the way Titania simply left her talking to herself, Lilith asked the question that had been on her mind all this time. “In the end, who the hell is she?”

“She is someone who should never be trifled with. An unstoppable force with an intellect second to none, she is the endless edge, the crystal army, the goddess of fairies, Titania.” Katya explained, but seeing Lilith’s lack of reaction, she added. “Perhaps her titles are unfamiliar to you, so let me put it in terms you understand. Titania is one of the known universe’s oldest and most powerful beings. She is considered by many to be one of the closest beings to being a true god.”

Seeing the doubt in Lilith’s eyes, Katya added one last part to her explanation. “As a Celestial, I am strictly forbidden to come into conflict with her unless absolutely necessary, the same order given to any member of the other three great races. Don’t be fooled by her playful appearance; to protect her beloved daughters, that woman would not hesitate to destroy a thousand worlds.”

Stunned, all Lilith managed to do was ask one last question. “Why would someone like her help us?”

To that question, Katya responded with an uncharacteristically tired sigh of hers. “She did not do it, although I suppose you wouldn’t understand if I didn’t explain it to you.”

Taking advantage of the fact that Titania was unlikely to return any time soon, Katya took advantage of the time to fill Lilith in on all the details she was unaware of.

Hearing about the Oscuras, commonly known as true demons, as well as the Dark Genesis project, Lilith was enraged. She never thought that what happened to her world was just part of a crude attempt to create a breeding ground to force the birth of more true demons.

An entire world, billions of lives, all lost only to the vague hope of finding a method to artificially create more Oscuras. As beings born naturally of the very evil of the universe, born of sin and decay, it was only to be expected that they would seek to replicate their birth conditions, which led to the Dark Genesis project.

To make matters worse, according to Katya, the Oscuras had been trying this for millions of years without success, to the point where they had already concluded that such an act was simply impossible but kept trying it basically out of boredom, as a way of satisfying their desires for destruction and evil.

“Just entertainment.” Lilith muttered blankly, finding her world and her very existence suddenly insignificant. Katya saw this, and in an attempt to distract Lilith, she continued the story. “In the end, after finding your world and realizing who was to blame, I needed to find someone who would free you from your prison so that you could help me find the demon that is now one more decoration in this throne room. However, even with your help, I knew it wouldn’t be enough to defeat him, so I went to the only person I thought would be willing to help me.”

“Titania.” Lilith murmured.

Katya answered. “That’s right, Titania. But the fairy queen had a price in mind, so we made a deal. Once I found the Oscuras with your help, I would put a small special tracking device so that Titania could hold onto it. Then, Titania would help me destroy the Oscuras.”

Finally, having more pieces of the puzzle, Lilith added. “In return, Titania asked you to steal information from the place where we were. In the end, what was on that record?

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