Chapter 610

Unfortunately, nothing stays the same forever, there will always be a first time for everything, and this was the first time Desmond had a taste of true depravity.

Desmond unleashed his lust with no emotion, no finesse. Desmond left his consciousness in a dark, secluded corner of his mind as he had sex with a parade of women with beautiful bodies but hideous souls. There was just so much pleasure to revel in that Desmond felt he might go crazy on more than one occasion.

Eventually, his view blurred as one woman after another wallowed in pleasure beneath him, practically begging Desmond to ravage them and fill them with his seed. Sometimes there were one or two women; other times, there were up to four women at the same time, all fucking Desmond in an almost psychotic frenzy.

From other members of the Darkblood clan to spider women and succubus, Desmond had sex with dozens of women. However, most were descendants of the Lupan clan. The experience of having wild sex with a werewolf was... Interesting, to say the least. Something Desmond would have enjoyed more if half of them hadn’t tried to eat him in a literal sense while having sex.

Wolf fur and ears, spider legs and eyes, among other things, Desmond saw and experienced much during those hours of plain depravity. Still, when it was all over, the result was quite simple to summarize: Mathias Lupan had won the bizarre little challenge proposed by Desmond.

Mathias Lupan couldn’t stop laughing hysterically as he bragged about his victory in front of everyone. There were still two women on their knees, licking and pleasing the werewolf as he taunted the loser. “That was a good try, Desmond, but a werewolf would never lose when it comes to being a stud. I have to admit, for a Darkblood, you know how to fight. I believed that I had never seen another with resistance like you. I’m surprised none of the women in my clan will rip your throat out while you’re fucking them. They are fierce, aren’t they?”

Desmond could only put on an empty smile and answer absently. “Fierce enough to make me want to fuck them again.”

Mathias laughed proudly again as if such a feat was something to brag about for his race. “Don’t worry. At least you have my respect for being able to hold out until you’ve fucked over 50 women. What’s more, I think that this game that you proposed will become something that we will do from time to time at my parties. It was a lot of fun.”


Desmond wanted nothing more than to rip the wolf’s throat out, but he had to swallow every bit of his murderous intent. As he did so, Desmond saw something he hadn’t been able to see before when Mathias buttoned his clothes.

Immediately, images from the past flashed through Desmond’s mind, memories that didn’t belong to him. Desmond had seen the item hanging around the werewolf’s neck before and knew exactly what it was because the former leaders of the five clans had explained it to Nicolai shortly before the attack on Lilith occurred.

Had he not seen the object again, Desmond didn’t think he’d be able to unearth that memory fragment since it had seemed too diffuse and decayed. Still, now he had a clue what he was looking for.

Completely oblivious to all the things going through Desmond’s mind at the moment, Mathias let out a contented sigh as he let liters of his seed flood the throats of the women serving him. Finishing, Mathias extended this time more sincerely, an invitation to Desmond.

“Desmond Darkblood, you are truly welcome to our circle, and I look forward to seeing you on our next hunt. Hopefully, you will have another interesting idea by then.” Mathias exclaimed before getting distracted by another of the thousand horrible things that were taking place at the gala that seemed to never end.

Seeing that Mathias was heading to the banquet to participate in the carnage, Desmond lost interest. He left the place with Araksia in tow. But not before muttering something as he looked at the werewolf’s back. “Oh, believe me, Mathias, I’ll have an interesting idea by then.”

When they finally made it out of that damned gala, Desmond felt all the psychological weight reach him in one fell swoop. The images of everything that happened in the last few hours hit his psyche like a whirlwind, and he didn’t like the role he had played.

Desmond needed all of his willpower just not to vomit right there. Araksia looked at him, puzzled by his behavior, but Desmond was in no mood to pay attention to her. This world was simply too much for a sane person to take without suffering the consequences. Desmond was reaching the limit of what he could tolerate without going insane.

The number of children Desmond had seen eaten alive during that gala was enough to put together a fucking football team. Seeing that was simply too much for a lover of children like Desmond.

With every fiber of his being, Desmond wanted to watch this world burn to ashes, completely unable to understand how such a twisted place could exist. Desmond’s only consolation was that he wouldn’t have to stay in this place forever, but every second that passed was hell to bear.

Unable to ignore Araksia any longer, Desmond used the only card he had to play. “I’m sorry, dear, I haven’t had a blood drink in hours, and that party made me more tired than I expected.”

Araksia blushed as she remembered how manly Desmond looked as he fucked those Lupan bitches to death. A part of her just wanted to be fucked the same way, but she still showed Desmond her clavicle first, waiting for him to feed from her.

Resisting his disgust at feeding on someone like Araksia, Desmond consoled himself by saying that at least drinking blood was better than eating anything else eaten in this world. Desmond wasn’t ready for cannibalism, and he never would be.

Unaware as he passed by, Araksia practically moaned as Desmond fed on her. It took less than a minute for them to end up fornicating in the first available alleyway. Partly to keep Araksia satisfied and meek and partly to take his own frustrations and stress out on her, Desmond fucked the spider woman until the latter begged for mercy.

“This place is seriously getting to me.” Desmond thought to himself as he remembered everything he had done in the last few hours. However, Desmond did not allow his mind to wander to those thoughts.

Watching as the spider-woman did her best to dress in what was left of her purple gown, now torn, Desmond spoke to her about the item he saw hanging around Mathias’s neck.

To Desmond’s surprise, Araksia actually knew what the thing was, or rather, what she had been told it was. According to Araksia, the strange reliquary hanging around Mathias’s neck was a hereditary item passed from generation to generation to the five heirs of the noble clans.

The reliquary served as proof of the status and legacy of the heirs. It was granted to them only when they were deemed worthy or when they forcibly took it from the previous owner. Although it was an inheritance, the locket did not pass from father to son. However, it was supposed to be so initially.

Apparently, the tradition changed at some point, and the reliquary became a symbol of power and authority within the five clans. Although the implicit rule that each clan could only own one reliquary was still respected, the way it was inherited was basically through looting and murder within each family.

The only reason Araksia even knew all this was because her half-brother was the current heir to the Tremor clan and owned one of those lockets. Her half-brother also told the spider woman that the only clan currently without heirs and, therefore, possessors of the reliquary were the people of the Licht clan.

No one knew why, but the Licht clan no longer inherited the locket, opting to declare their heirs publicly rather than use the item as a sign of authority.

Rumor has it that the Licht clan now keeps the locket in a vault inside the main clan mansion. They started doing so because they discovered some kind of secret about the locket. Still, no one knows how true these rumors are.

All Desmond had to do was add two plus two, and he knew that the Licht clan would be a problem. They were the only clan that actively protected the locket instead of letting their heirs walk around with the thing around their necks. It also happened to be one of their members who tried to give hunt Desmond the first day he came into this world.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the Licht clan was aware of the true function of the lockets and of Desmond’s existence. Thus they must have been the ones who originally concealed Nicolai’s blood.

As such, by the time Desmond tried to make a move on the five lockets, the Licht clan would know exactly who he was: Nicolai’s heir.

Back at the Araksia mansion, after letting the woman rest in her chambers, Desmond was planning his next move. “The only ones who would know where Lilith’s grave is would be the people of the Licht clan and maybe the Darkblood clan. But the moment I try to do anything to the Licht clan, my identity will be out, and I have no doubt that the five clans will hunt me down like a dog. I need to secretly get the other lockets before I get the Licht clan one, and I need to find the tomb’s location before that happens.”

Remembering the hunt that would take place in ten days, Desmond set a deadline. “I need to get the Heart, Tremor, and Darkblood clan locket before that day. During the hunt, I will find an opportunity to be alone with Mathias and take the locket from him by force. After that, it will be a race against time to get the Licht clan locket and go straight to the grave before the five clans give chase.”

Having something like a plan in his head, Desmond couldn’t help but think of the women he loved. The only reason Desmond could hold on to his sanity was that he always tried to think of them, to survive and fight his way back to them.

A part of Desmond regretted coming to this world just to pay the angel of love a favor, but Desmond couldn’t stop thinking about Lilith. For all the violence and utter madness, Desmond had to witness at times, something about just abandoning that girl didn’t feel right.

Remembering Lilith’s disappointed look as she was betrayed by her entire world, Desmond thought of himself and how he viewed the world after his parent’s death. “I’m not going to save myself through her, and I’ve long since stopped needing salvation... Honestly, I don’t know why I’m doing this myself, Lilith, but when this is over, I think I won’t regret saving you.”

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