Chapter 360

How do I get to this?

That same question had crossed my mind thousands of times in recent months, but perhaps I already knew the answer myself; it was just like professed by the archangel.

The church had become too corrupt, it was not that I did not know about its corruption in the past but I never believed that the rot would have reached the highest steps.

That night when I returned from the Serafia forest after the battle against Skaylos, I had a dream, a dream where that same beautiful archangel visited me, she looked at me with pious eyes and kissed me on the forehead in a motherly way while pronouncing words in a language that I was unable to understand.

It was a rather strange dream, but at the same time relaxing, the next morning I felt different, I didn’t know exactly why, but there was something different in me, it was as if the way I see the world had changed.

It wasn’t until I looked in the mirror that I realized what had changed, it was my eyes, these had changed, from their previously clear blue to brilliant gold, as if liquid gold had been poured into my pupils; the changes were more than meets the eye.

Although there were also changes that stand out beyond the golden color, my doubts about my current situation took shape within my pupils as a small golden interrogation rune made of light shimmered.

The surprise I felt at that moment manifested itself once again when the rune changed to an exclamation mark. Since then I had to get used to having my emotions displayed deep in my eyes in such an obvious way.


Perhaps it helped that I was more focused on the other changes in me, the way I communicated with and controlled mana seemed to have changed, it was much more natural, purer, and even more dominant.

And the way I see the world had also changed, new sensations that were not there before were now shown to me, bringing with them a new understanding of the world or rather of the human heart.

It took me some time to realize, but what I was able to feel now was some kind of sense that reflects the nature or karma of an individual; the details and nuances were incredibly complex and impossible to determine but in essence, the darker the feeling give to me, the more evil that person was.

That was how I became aware of the enormous latent corruption within the church, but my powers brought with them more than changes in my body and my understanding of the world; these also brought me a change in my status.

I became the holy priestess of the church and earned the respect and love of the people, but none of that made me forget the darkness that dwelled in the institution that raised me since I was a child.

The archangel’s prophecy rang in my ears almost daily, but no matter how hard I tried, even with my new status as a holy priestess, I was unable to change or purify the church.

Those people had too much power and status, I wasn’t even a real obstacle for them, it just took a little effort for them to completely isolate me from the power sphere of the church, then turn my position of holy priestess into nothing more than a decoration.

I hated it, I never coveted such an ostentatious title, but I hated the fact that it was used, that I was used to furthering the agendas of those in power.

How long would this last? I didn’t know it but I had a feeling that sooner or later, even as a decoration I would end up becoming an obstacle, that would lead to the prophecy being fulfilled.

The corrupt steel of the church would point their swords at me, and no one in this world could save me, not when this world rejects me. I dreaded that day, thinking that the people who saw me grow up would turn against me and turn the world against me.

I didn’t know how they would do it, I didn’t know if it was possible to stop them, all I knew was what the archangel told me, that in my darkest moment when everything seemed lost; someone would rise to give me the refuge that I needed so desperately.

I wasn’t sure if that was true either, but I’d rather believe Katya’s words than anyone else’s at the moment.

But none of that matters right now, no, now I just have to continue to act like the decoration that I am, attend a rigged fighting tournament to select my former guardian knight’s replacement.

It was laughable, my old friend Marcos did not hesitate to turn his back on me, as soon as he saw that my power within the church diminished, and now as if to add salt to the wound, my enemies had organized a tournament to select my new personal knight who surely it would be one of their men.

The truth is that they could just put in the replacement they wanted from the beginning, but they used the occasion to humiliate me, by forcing me to participate in the event; at the same time that they will turn all this into another form of promotion for the church.

The event was held in an arena in the middle of the city, and many people attended to watch the duels or to see me, but it all seemed so inconsequential to me, to be honest, I would rather be spending time with the children of the orphanage or distributing food to those in need; I just didn’t want to feel like a decoration.

And yet I still played my role, as I had been taught since childhood, obeying the intentions of the church; although I had begun to wonder if that was the right thing to do.

The tournament progressed after I made the opening speech, and received shouts of support from the masses, the fights were... simple, really nothing to write home about because the level of combat seen was too low, it was normal; without proper training or resources, it was not possible to go far down the path of the strong.

Therefore, it was not a surprise to me at all, to see how one of the church-seeded contestants swept the competition with ease, even without the proper gear to go unnoticed, the contestant only relied on his strength to crush the competition.

In the end that was what the truth behind this event was, just a farce to entertain the masses, while they were ignorant of the hidden truths; that were happening behind the scenes.

When the time came for the champion’s celebration, the winner stepped forward and asked to say a few words to me, under the gaze of the crowd, I had to give in and allow him to speak his part, but I would never have expected that the man would only try to insult me.

“It seems to be an honor to be able to share chambers with the holy priestess, I am sure that you will be extremely satisfied with my performance”

The double meaning in his words couldn’t even be hidden when the look and expression on the man’s face were so lustful.

To think that they would go so far as to insult and humiliate me in public, I guess I have fallen under the church books. I didn’t even know how to respond, I wasn’t used to arguing and I had no idea how to react, but it seemed like that wouldn’t be necessary.


The crisp sound of a slap was so loud, that probably every person in the audience had heard it, the tournament winner’s dumbfounded face now decorated with the redness on the left side of his face caused by the blow.

At the same time, everyone became aware of the presence of a second person on stage, clad in black armor that matched his hair as dark as a raven’s feathers, his blue eyes emitting a mischievous and ruthless gleam; probably one of the most handsome men I had ever seen.

But it wasn’t his appearance that surprised me, no, what surprised me was his smile and the feeling he gave me, that smile was dangerous to the extreme with a barely hidden note of sadism that gave anyone who saw it the feeling of being in front of a predator that enjoyed playing with its prey.

The feeling he gave me, on the other hand, was dark and reddish, this was a man who had shed a lot of blood and didn’t care to shed more, an unrepentant sinner; a demon of beautiful appearance and deceitful intentions.

And my beliefs were supported by listening to what the man had to say.

“Sorry, it’s an old habit of mine to slap people when they’re too arrogant, on the other hand, I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful the holy priestess is... so if anyone is going to serve under such beauty; I think it should be someone with real skills.”

Lies, every one of his words was a lie, I knew it, it was something I learned over time, but when a person lies the sensation they gave me usually shakes very slightly for a brief moment indicating that the actions of a person go against their true nature.

So no matter how free and carefree that man seemed on stage, I knew he was just a liar who was very good at it.

But then what does he want? from the expression on the faces of the priests present, that man does not seem to work for them; so why is he here.

And it was then, that his eyes met mine, it was nothing more than a fraction of a second, but it was enough for me to know that the man was here for me, his intentions unknown but as dark as the feeling he gave me was, he didn′t give me the impression that he was here to do me some harm; so I make a decision.

“Words must be backed up by actions, since you are as brave as standing on stage you must prove your worth in combat; After all, the man you just insulted doesn’t look like he’s going to let go.”

My words were followed by the excited shout of the public who expected a good show and the man’s smile that grew wider at my words while the faces of the priests around me darkened greatly.

I didn’t know at the time, that this man on stage was my predestined person, the traveler Katya warned me about; a wolf that would devour my world completely.

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