Chapter 253

The rest of the figures in black were silent but they weren’t subtle at all with the way they encircled Xiauyue and Desmond.

Desmond and Xiauyue for their part were too busy running different simulations within their minds on how to escape this place alive to care to answer the ridiculous question from the hooded leader of the assassins.

“I didn’t think Miss Xiauyue would be rude enough to even answer a simple question after invading the home of a humble man like me, I wonder if you would show me more respect as an elder of your sect.” The black and purple hooded man had a rather bad taste for theatricality but still managed to attract Xiauyue’s attention when he mentioned being a sect elder.

Seeing that he managed to attract Xiauyue’s attention, the hooded leader showed a certain degree of self-satisfaction still visible under his furtive appearance. Now with all the attention on him, the hooded man stood tall and slowly removed the hood that dramatically concealed his face.

Desmond would swear that he had never seen such a ridiculous person in his life; what bothered him the most was that he had to keep the contempt he felt for himself because he was in no position to insult the other party.

To be fair, high ego and showmanship were fairly common traits in villains throughout the multiverse so Desmond would be disappointed if he thought this was something he wouldn’t often see throughout his life.

Furthermore, Desmond himself used to have a strange sense of humor, and it was not uncommon for him to come out with strange phrases or dramatic movements when he was fighting someone, which made it quite hypocritical on his part to complain about the hooded man’s attitude.

Unaware of what Desmond was thinking, Xiauyue was extremely surprised when she looked at the face hidden under the hood of the leader of the assassins.


“Bai Mofeng ... this cannot be true. You... are supposed to be dead” Xiauyue exclaimed in obvious astonishment.

Bai Mofeng was quite satisfied with the reaction he got from the girl so he puffed up his chest with pride and continued with his villain monologue: “Just a little trick, a little deception. After all, it’s quite difficult to control an organization of assassins when you have another list of duties to fulfill within the sect.

As you may already know, the purple crows have prospered quite a bit in recent years, and it became difficult to live two lives, so the Bai family decided that I should die, at least in the eyes of the sect.

To keep the secret, only the high-ranking members of the Bai family kept abreast of the falsehood of my death and my son Bai Zifeng became the intermediary between the sect and me.

But who would think that all my hard work over the past years would be wasted the day they order me to assassinate you? But here you are, having continually failed to assassinate you; you came by your own accord and entered the cave of the beast.

Now, we all know how things will turn out, don’t you think so, Miss Xiauyue? so why don’t we make things easy for you?

The only thing you have to do is give me all the secret martial arts of the Miao family, and I will give you a quick death if you don′t do it... well, a maiden as beautiful as you locked in a dark place full of evil men; I can think of a couple of ways to make your death as miserable as possible ”

Humiliation and Anger, Xiauyue right now couldn’t even think of anything other than cutting the bastard in front of her, even if it will end up ending her life, but before she did something reckless, she felt a person grab her hand.

Who would it be but Desmond, who was holding her hand? Taking Xiauyue’s hand tightly, Desmond looked into her eyes, and there Xiauyue saw peace, unshakable security, and an indomitable will that somehow managed to bring peace to herself.

Seeing that Xiauyue had calmed down a bit, Desmond muttered: “Can you stop them or delay them even for a second?”

Xiauyue, driven by the security in Desmond’s eyes, finished with a reflective nod and replied: “If I try hard, I think I can stop them for a couple of seconds.”

To which Desmond responded quickly: “It won’t be necessary; I just need you to make a path for us for a second.”

And this time it was Bai Mofeng’s turn to reply, “Don’t you think it’s a bit rude to make plans in my face?”

The moment followed Bai Mofeng appeared in front of Desmond, making a powerful sword slash, with the sword covered with a strange green flame made of Ki this blow was too fast for Desmond to dodge it, so it was fortunate that he didn’t need to do it in the first place.

Sparks leaped into the air and the sound of metal colliding reverberated in the room for a brief moment as Xiauyue brandished her own sword at godly speed, managing not to block but to deflect Bai Mofeng’s blow.

Guided by his momentum, Bai Mofeng was unable to retreat in time to block Xiauyue’s next move as a glow of pink Ki covered his delicate hand, and five palm strikes shot out at Bai Mofeng’s chest.

Forced to retreat in humiliation, Bai Mofeng was furious and, without a second thought, ordered his henchmen to all attack the duo in front of him together as he prepared himself to execute another powerful sword attack.

Little did he know that his order gave the ideal setting for Xiauyue, who suddenly erupted with an intense blue Ki flare. The strange image of a gigantic blue flame made of Ki around her only became more disconcerting by the sounds of ocean waves than this flame emits.

But probably only Desmond had time to give this kind of appreciation to the phenomenon as the rest of the people in the room had more important things to worry about; like trying not to die in front of whatever Xiauyue was doing.

And only Desmond, who was right next to Xiauyue, heard her mutter to herself: ” ”

Until now, Desmond had always known that Xiauyue was significantly stronger than him, which had become clear after the brief fights they fought together, but it was not until now that he understood the true gap between them.

With her as the epicenter, a spectral wave of oceanic Ki poured out in all directions, and within the wave, vague spectral figures of Xiauyue occasionally became visible.

Too fast to be evaded when the wave eventually filled in front of all the assassins in the room, the wave collapsed leaving only a large number of Xiauyue’s Ki projections, one for each assassin; the largest number of screenings Desmond had ever seen.

And without even the slightest interruption in their movements, all these projections executed the palm movement that Desmond had seen Xiauyue use on many occasions, but each blue Ki projection of Xiauyue used both hands to perform this technique and from each one of their hands came out innumerable palm strokes.

For a moment, even the blue glow of Xiauyue’s spectral figures was overshadowed by what seemed like a storm of pink petals surging in all directions engulfing all the assassins in the room; after which all the assassins flew out, impacting the walls of the room.

All of this happened in an instant, and Desmond barely had enough time to pour a healing potion down his throat as he stared in amazement at the chaos caused by Xiauyue’s enormous destructive power.

And at that moment, Desmond had to admit that Xiauyue had reason to be considered the most powerful disciple in the entire sect because compared to all the disciples he had seen so far, she was on a completely different level. Desmond even had a vague feeling that even Mei with her true strength would not be a match for what Xiauyue had just done.

But all that power had its cost; Xiauyue almost collapsed directly on the ground after using every last drop of Ki inside her to perform that movement. She decided to do it because she trusted that Desmond would take her out of this place safely; thought that she herself considered strange.

Hurrying to grab Xiauyue by her waist before she fell, Desmond saw Xiauyue’s beautiful face now pale and couldn’t help but say: “You really tried too hard, well done Xiauyue”

And it was quite strange for Xiauyue, but she felt a warmth in her heart as she heard Desmond say those words, those words that she had longed to hear from her father for so long that even she had forgotten such a wish. With a soft smile, she closed her eyes to rest trusting completely in Desmond to bring them both to safety.

Seeing Xiauyue’s tired and sleepy face, Desmond smiled bitterly as he carried her in both arms princess style and ran out of the room at full speed while muttering to himself: “Looks like it’s time to go out with a BOM”

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