Chapter 226

Seeing that the girl didn’t seem to have any intention of murdering him, Desmond decided to try talking to her: “Would you mind giving me a hand miss?”

The girl’s blue eyes hesitated for a moment, but her instincts were as sharp as a beast raised in the wild, she had relied all her life on her instincts to stay alive and escape from all kinds of dangerous situations so in the end the girl approached Desmond with evident embarrassment in her demeanor and helped Desmond up from the ground.

He barely had a chance to lean against a tree trunk and Desmond took the opportunity to take a healing potion from the small briefcase at his waist and drank it with shaking hands.

The girl continued to look at Desmond with discomfort, but she did not seem to have the intention of retreating either which caused Desmond to be unable to lower his guard, after all, he was still injured and the girl had proven to be more than capable of extinguishing his life.

After a silence that lasted a couple of minutes in which Desmond let the potion take effect, the girl seemed not to be able to hold out any longer and she ended by saying:

“I’m very sorry when I saw you I thought you were some kind of criminal and I attacked you without thinking, that’s why I’m sorry, only now I see that these men belong to an assassin organization”

Finishing her apology, the girl pointed to something to her right, only then did Desmond realize that they were standing a few meters from where he nailed that man to a tree with his dagger that had saved his life because the girl recognized something in the man that had made her realize her misunderstanding.

The truth was that Desmond couldn’t entirely blame the girl for the way she handled things, after all when the girl found him he was surrounded by the mangled corpses of at least five people; anyone would have thought of him as a murderous demon.


Think about it you are walking on a Sunday morning in the middle of the forest, the sun shines beautifully in the sky, bathing the playful little canaries in heat, delighting you with their beautiful voices, and while you enjoy the charms of nature you meet a hooded man surrounded by what little is left of a group of people.

Shattered organs and severed limbs were strewn across the floor in a bloodbath that would put a certain hockey-masked killer to shame, a normal person would have passed out outright or wet his pants; As for the girl’s reaction to it ... well, if you are an expert in martial arts, beating the murderer is also an option.

Unable to really blame the girl and himself in need of information, Desmond decided to drop the subject and ask the girl other things.

“Don’t worry, your misunderstanding is partly my fault, my name is Desmond Astryd and I’m new to these lands, it would help me a lot if you could give me instructions”

The girl seemed slightly surprised for a moment before asking, “Desmond Astryd? That is a strange name, you must come from far away ”

Desmond raised an eyebrow at the mention of his name, but still replied: “I do indeed come from a distant continent.”

The girl did not think about the matter anymore and she replied: “I see, well in that case welcome to the continent; my name is Mei Fei Long and I belong to the traveling cloud sect ”

Desmond didn’t seem to have much of a reaction other than a faint smile, but inside he was having all kinds of thoughts, first based on the girl’s name and appearance; This world seemed to have a strong martial context and its culture resembled ancient China a bit.

This conclusion was not only due to the oriental features that could be seen in Mei Fei Long’s beautiful face but also because of the robes she was wearing, even someone as withdrawn from the mainstream entertainment media as Desmond recognized the style of clothing from the martial arts fantasy movies that were on television.

Second, Desmond had to consider himself immensely lucky as the girl came from the place he was going.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mei Fei Long, I hope we can put our misunderstanding in the past and get along well from now on,” Desmond said in a subtle way reminding the girl of the beating she had just given him and emphasizing having a future relationship.

Mei Fei Long did not think so much because she was already happy that Desmond did not hold a grudge for the misunderstanding they had between them.

After all, that was the kind of person she was, she didn’t like to overthink things, not that she was truly stupid or reckless, on the contrary, she had come so far in the world due to her strength and intelligence, but she was also someone who always trusted her instincts first and they told her that Desmond was not a threat ... at least not a threat to her.

With things cleared up between them, Mei Fei Long now took the time to look closely at Desmond and she had to admit that the man was incredibly attractive; What struck Mei Fei Long the most was the resemblance between the two of them.

They both had short black hair, Desmond’s was like obsidian and hers was like ink, but they both had a dark charm about them.

They both had beautiful blue eyes too, though hers were clear blue like spring water and Desmond’s eyes on the other hand were as intense as a sapphire.

They also shared the same type of physique and height, both were lean with well-trained muscles and yet their frames were not particularly large, rather they gave an image of well-contained power; similar to comparing a gorilla and a panther.

But as alike as they were, the differences were also obvious, their faces, while sharing the same kind of heroic appeal, Desmond’s features were clearly of European descent while Mei Fei Long’s features were Asian.

Even so, the similarity between the two was enough for someone to think that they were cousins ??or something similar, that similarity between the two subtly generated a certain degree of appreciation not only from Mei Fei Long but also from Desmond.

After the introductions, Desmond proceeded to explain to Mei Fei Long his encounter with the assassins, which left the girl somewhat concerned as Desmond was not the only one to find the connection between the assassins attacking a stranger just before a similar person to that stranger who would be Mei Fei Long will pass through the area.

Furthermore, Mei Fei Long herself acknowledged that she had recently earned the enmity of someone with some influence and this could have some connection with this league of assassins so most likely these assassins were originally sent after her.

The girl was extremely embarrassed by the whole situation and Desmond did not miss the opportunity to ask for a favor: “How about if, as an apology, you help me join your sect and let me call you Mei? Keeping calling you by your full name is difficult ”

A small red tint was painted on Mei’s cheeks upon hearing Desmond’s request, Desmond himself might not know it, but in the local culture to call someone by their first name was considered very intimate, but perhaps driven by guilt or by the familiarity she had seen in Desmond; Mei accepted.

As for letting him join the sect? This was not difficult at all, she was a main disciple of the sect, and getting someone as strong as Desmond to enter would not only be easy; she might even receive a reward.

Hearing Mei’s words, Desmond was able to relax a lot because of two different things, firstly, he had managed to enter the sect where he would carry out his mission, and secondly, it seemed that Mei was already considered quite a strong person in this world by what Desmond would not find such strong enemies everywhere.

Although that was truly relative, at the end of the day Desmond had entered a world where people relied on aura to strengthen themselves and due to the difference in power systems, the scarcity of mana, and the advantage that aura users had in melee combat against the other two systems; Desmond had to be very careful about making enemies in this world as they would not be that easy to assassinate.

As for the assassins he had just killed? Desmond did not even think too much of them, not after being brutally beaten by Mei without the possibility of defending himself, it was obvious to Desmond that he should not use those assassins to measure the strength standards of the people of this world or he would end up dead; after all, not everyone could be as weak as those useless assassins, could they?

And with that in mind, Desmond and Mei’s left the place leaving the corpses of the assassins to be eaten by animals, and as Desmond saw Mei’s magnificent breasts bounce, he also thought of the girl’s indifferent expression when she looked at the corpses; realizing that this world was far from gentle.

Not that Desmond found it strange, even in his world the weak were constantly victimized and society had become somewhat insensitive about it but it was still not very hopeful to see that human beings on other worlds were not very different.

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