Chapter 174

I will also be studying your combat data for a while so later I will send you an email with my analysis and some recommendations for the acquisition of skills.

Regarding the materials that you gave me for the exchange I think I should be able to trade them with some of the organizations affiliated with the association, with the funds obtained I should be able to buy all the alchemy equipment you requested ... Desmond ... Desmond are you listening to me? ”

Elaisa seemed quite annoyed to notice that Desmond did not seem to be paying attention to anything she said, she was his assistant and the amount of work she did behind the scenes wasn′t small; the least could give her hunter was a little of his time.

Hearing Elaisa’s annoyed tone, Desmond came out of his stupor looking a bit embarrassed, the truth is that after what happened a couple of hours ago between Claire and him, he had been quite distracted; If it weren’t for Elaisa calling him at the association headquarters, Desmond would have forgotten to come.

” Sorry Elaisa, some problems arose at home. ” There was a rather ironic expression on Desmond’s face when he apologized.

” I see, I guess it’s the difficulties of being a womanizer. ” As Elaisa answered sarcasm was almost palpable in her voice.

Luckily Desmond was smart enough to not make any comment about it, Desmond got up to leave Elaisa’s office, but when he remember the problem he had now, he ended up turning around.

” oh right, I would like to buy a couple of last-minute things, nothing expensive, but I need them today. ” Desmond tried to hide it, but there was something strange in his tone of voice when he brought up the subject.


And as soon as Elaisa saw the small list delivered by Desmond, she almost lost her mind, it took several seconds for her to regain her usual calm demeanor while Desmond just watched uneasily as Elaisa’s hair fluttered supernaturally.

In the end, after having calmed down, Elaisa agreed to buy the things Desmond requested, after all that was her job ... even if the idiot of her hunter asked her to buy all kinds of things for a romantic night.

Back at home, Desmond spent a few hours making arrangements for Sasha’s accommodation and talking to the mischievous fairy who never left his side, on the other hand, Claire had gone out to see her friend Melisa in the meantime she expected to nightfall.

Hours passed and soon Desmond received a message from Elaisa notifying him that everything he had asked for had already been sent to the storage of his hunter′s book; There was also an additional note telling him that it was not her job to fix his love life.

” I won that claim. ” Having said that quietly, Desmond proceeded to make preparations for tonight.

A few hours ago when Claire had given him that surprise by asking him to sleep with her, Desmond was not only surprised, but also against such thing, on the other hand, Claire was very firm in her position; In the end, Desmond argued that the first time they were together like that it shouldn’t be so ordinary and rushed, but in response, Claire only told him that then all he had to do was make it special.

Hence, Desmond would have had to resort to out-of-this-world resources to improvise something special enough.

Soon night came and Claire arrive at home, as soon as she walked through the door the first thing she saw was Desmond waiting for her with a soft smile on his lips, without even waiting for Claire to say anything; Desmond dragged her into the bathroom.

When she opened the door, the first thing that caught Claire’s attention were the dozens of candles around the room, there was a luxurious-looking bathtub with an exquisite design that Claire had never seen in her life, the tub was filled with hot water and pink flower petals; a soothing floral scent permeated the room and gave one a lazy feeling.

The truth is that the idea as such was not the most original thing in the universe, but Desmond had made an effort in the little time he had at his disposal to make it special, the candles were so elaborate in design that they not only illuminated the room, but that served as decoration, the hot water in the tub was from a special spring that carried high-density natural mana; even the petals in the tub were from special magic flowers.

Claire was speechless, although she expected something like this, she didn′t think that Desmond would achieve so much in such a short time, the truth is that giving Desmond time to prepare everything was more a pretext, in that way things wouldn′t seem so abrupt and she would have time to prepare herself emotionally.

It is just that the young maiden had been so lost in her thoughts that she did not even notice how her clothes were disappearing at times, it was not until the poor girl was semi-naked that she realized Desmond′s intentions.

But was Claire going to stop Desmond’s advances? The answer was a resounding no, so soon even her bra and panties were on the ground, Desmond paused for a moment to observe the divine work of God that was Claire’s naked body before carrying her like a princess and submerging her In the bath.

A strong invigorating feeling filled Claire’s entire body as soon as she was submerged in the hot water followed by a relaxing sensation that flooded every last fiber of her being, it was a strange mixture of sensations, but they brought great mental pleasure to the young girl.

” it feels good. ” A seductive voice escaped Claire’s lips as she enjoyed the hot water.

Hearing Claire’s sweet voice, Desmond felt the fire of lust burn strongly in his abdomen, but he repressed it strongly, he still had a lot to do and this was nothing more than foreplay.

Out of nowhere a bottle of liquid soap appeared in Desmond’s hands, who emptied a good portion of its contents into his palms, and with a subtle naturalness, Desmond ran his hands over Claire’s naked body.

Gently and steadily Desmond rubbed and rinsed Claire’s body, starting from her delicate hands and working all the way to her shoulders, stroking her back with enthusiasm and rubbing Claire’s tender clavicles with small occasional teasing here and there.

When it almost seemed that Desmond would go on to wash Claire’s abundant and exquisite breasts, he only teased her slightly before he turn around the tub, once on the other side, Desmond took Claire’s small feet and washed them lovingly.

There was great care in Desmond’s movements throughout the process of cleaning Claire’s body, affection filled every one of his movements, and flashes of lust from him were revealed when Desmond used his fingers to stimulate some sensitive points in Claire.

Having played enough Desmond made his move and soon he had both hands firmly grasping Claire’s fragrant breasts, at this point he didn’t even bother to hide his desire and directly toyed with them, he enjoyed the sensation his fingers gave him as they plunged in the sublime softness of the skin on those breasts that excited him so much.

Barely a few seconds had passed, but Claire’s eyes had already begun to fill with mist as short and sensual moans escaped her lips, she just stood there enjoying the touch of her lover without thinking of anything else.

For her Desmond’s fingers seemed to be on fire as they left every part of her body that they touched with a burning sensation; when Desmond used his fingers to rub and lightly squeeze the tender cherries that crowned her exquisite breasts, Claire as if an electric current of pleasure ran through her body.

An extremely erotic moan left Claire’s lips making Desmond barely control himself, soon Claire felt one of Desmond’s hands leave her chest to slide along her belly all the way to her forbidden garden.

” Hold on, we are just beginning. ” Desmond’s warm breath reached her ear at the same time she felt her fingers invading her insides and for a moment Claire wondered if she was actually ready for this when the sensation of pleasure she felt almost makes her mind go completely clouded.

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