Chapter 142

′′ Desmond. . . What are we supposed to be doing? ′′ Confusion couldn’t be hidden in Sasha’s tone of voice as she asked while she was holding some kind of dessert in her hand.

′′ Investigate of course. ′′ Desmond exclaimed naturally as he dragged Sasha in the direction of a high-quality clothing store where some of the customers who had noble appearances could already be observed.

′′ What are you talking about? So far we have only walked around the city visiting a few trading posts here and there. ′′ Sasha was clearly puzzled as she asked Desmond about her intentions, ironically, although she doubted the hunter’s actions she did not resist Desmond’s grasp at all; actually, deep down she felt a certain warmth in her heart when Desmond took her hand.

′′ Don’t think about it too much, you will know when the right moment arrives; for now, just enjoy and have fun for a moment. . . oh look at that purple dress it looks pretty good, the color matches you and it will certainly highlight your sensual curves; come on try it on. ′′

Desmond only paid attention to Sasha’s words for a few seconds before being distracted by the contents of the store and dragging Sasha into a very sensual purple dress; only to take the dress off the sideboard and shove Sasha into a dressing room without even asking the poor alchemist’s opinion.

Given Desmond’s enthusiastic attitude there was little Sasha could do to resist so she ended up trying on the dress she was given. When leaving the dressing room, customers of the store could be heard losing their breath at the same time at the appearance of Sasha, who wore a purple dress with dark details that perfectly fitted her voluptuous figure while with her neckline it revealed a deep ravine where well you could find everything a man has always looked for.

The dress was short enough to reveal just a hint of Sasha’s soft, plump thighs, but that was enough for anyone to let their imagination run wild about what lay beyond the dress.

In reality, Sasha was already incredibly beautiful in her own right and she had a body that would make even the most indifferent man drool; so it was not surprising that even Desmond had a look full of inordinate lust as he watched Sasha wearing that dress.


In the end, the embarrassment was too much for the young alchemist who ran to the changing room again to put on her original clothes, who knew that by the time she came out desmond was already waiting for her at the counter with a whole mountain of all kinds of high-quality clothes; then without even asking for her opinion Desmond took the dress from Sasha’s hands and added it to the pile before proceeding to pay for everything.

The amount to pay was an astronomical sum even for a noble family and it was not surprising since all the dresses were made of high-quality magical materials, even so, Desmond without any concern in the world took out a mithril coin and paid for everything leaving everyone in the store stunned at their waste.

As they left the store, Sasha was so embarrassed by everything that happened that she didn’t even notice Desmond’s playful smile while he was looking back over her shoulder or the fact that she was inadvertently holding Desmond’s hand as if she were the one most natural thing in the world.

The rest of the afternoon was spent walking around other curious places in the city and visiting some stores to spend huge amounts of money on them. From jewelry and shoes to high-quality teacups; Desmond had bought a huge variety of things.

Every time they left a store Desmond seemed to look around for a while before continuing on his way, but Sasha was too busy enjoying her time with Desmond to notice; after all, Sasha has noticed that while they were shopping that all Desmond had looked for were things for her and she understood that Desmond was taking her on a date.

Soon dusk came to the city and only then did Sasha realize that they had spent the entire day without finding out what they came for, having understood that Sasha was a bit upset with Desmond for forgetting his purpose and with herself for getting so lost in the moment that she also forgets what they came to do, but at the end of the day Sasha couldn’t stay mad when she thought that Desmond had spent all day spoiling her.

Strangely, Sasha never stopped to think that everything they had paid so far had been using her own money, for her they were all gifts that Desmond had given her with affection and she was moved by her gesture; It must be said that love can really play with people’s minds or make things a bit different from what they are.

Even so, Desmond, who had always been attentive to the mood of his partner, realized Sasha′s momentary annoyance for which he went on to comfort her by telling her that the next morning she would understand his plan; Sasha who at this moment was nothing more than a submissive loving maiden only nodded as Desmond took her to find a place to spend the night.

After finding a high-class hotel and paying another large sum of money, Sasha and Desmond got a room for the night, only then did Sasha realize that she would sleep in the same room as Desmond and began to get nervous.

But as soon as they entered the room she saw Desmond leave all the day’s purchases in a corner of the room and throw himself without any decorum on the sofa as he pointed in the direction of the bed and said: ′′ Tomorrow will be a long day it will be better than Let’s sleep well tonight, I’ll take the couch and you can take the bed. ′′

Sasha was relieved to see that Desmond wasn’t planning to take advantage of her, but so well a little sad that Desmond didn’t seem interested in her at the moment; once again we could only marvel at how complicated a woman’s mind was.

But who was Desmond Astryd? He was a long-career womanizer who understood women at least a little better than most men; so he gestured for Sasha to come closer to him who was still lying on the sofa.

The poor naive sheep named Sasha fearlessly approached the smiling wolf named Desmond and before the poor girl knew what was going on, Desmond quickly took her by pulling the poor girl on top of him and not even allowing her to assimilate what was happening Desmond just kissed her.

Sasha could only make a few token movements to resist from her as she slowly lost herself in the sweetness and warmth of being in Desmond’s embrace as the latter kissed her with a barely contained hunger that took her breath away.

Desmond kissed her over and over again, while Sasha struggled to get just a little breath back from her each time their lips parted; sometimes Desmond would leave her lips quiet for a few moments while he explored other corners of Sasha’s body.

Sometimes he kissed her neck tenderly or lightly nibbled the lobe of Sasha’s ear, the poor girl, even with her lips free, was unable to breathe calmly because soft and tender moans did not stop coming out of her.

Desmond took at least five minutes to stop savoring the soft and tender girl in his arms, who had not even realized that the hunter’s two hands had reached the sensitive parts of her; with one hand firmly squeezing her butt and with the other gently caressing her breasts. . . Desmond was really enjoying the moment.

′′ Desmond′′ Hearing his name leave Sasha’s lips in the form of a soft and incredibly erotic moan, Desmond felt the fire ignite in his back and felt the need to take Sasha directly to the bed.

But seeing the dazed and vulnerable girl in her embrace, Desmond decided to stop, he knew that going further was simply abusing Sasha’s submissive nature and did not really mean that the girl would consent to Desmond’s lustful advances.

So Desmond took Sasha, who was still flushed, who was starting to recover some clarity, and laid her on the bed before tucking her in quietly and then kissing her forehead tenderly and saying, “Good night.”

Sasha didn’t even reply as it seemed that the previous exchange had been too much for the poor girl, seeing her like this Desmond just smiled softly as he thought about how adorable this girl was; As he went to sleep, Desmond recalled some details that he had noticed during his date and hoped his plan was as simple as he expected.

′′ Well, I guess I’ll only find out tomorrow. ′′

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