Chapter 140

Claire has taken the envelope, calmly raised her hand, and in a clear display of power released the soldiers with a simple snap of her fingers, the released soldiers had expressions of shame and anger, but after Claire gave them a hard look they all decided to move away from the look; after all with the ability of telekinesis, it was too difficult to defend against her.

′′ A group of troublesome women ′′ said the general in a low voice as he remembered the words said by the ice user ¨I would rather kill me than be a toy, I have nothing to lose anyway; It is the general decision “, it was clear that the girl also had a very bad opinion about the military; not that she was wrong.

But according to her words and her attitude, it was unlikely that the usual tricks would work on her, besides if she really ends committing suicide it would be a great loss for the army and it would bring the questioning of the high command over him; something he clearly would rather avoid.

There was also the girl with the healing ability and the girl with telekinesis, all of them had their guard up against the military and they seemed one more difficult to deal with than the other.

While the general was lamenting for all the wrong reasons, Claire walked nonchalantly in Melissa’s direction, it so happened that she ended up passing where the arrogant Brayan was, so Claire decided that instead of leaving everything in the hands of Desmond as before; this time she would handle things now that she had the power to protect herself from little fry like Brayan.

A stream of telekinetic energy manifested almost imperceptibly around Brayan’s neck and without anyone noticing it formed a ring that soon began to suffocate him, Brayan didn’t even know what the hell was going on until he saw the almost imperceptible violet energy around his neck and then he saw that same energy on Claire’s fingertips that were close to him.

Claire just looked at Brayan indifferently as the latter began to feel the agony of not having air to breathe, Brayan soon turned pale when he realized that Claire did not plan to let go and realized that it was too late to do anything because he no longer had any strength even to wave his arms for help.

When Brayan thought that Claire would not let go of him, he suddenly felt the force on his neck disappear and he soon began to breathe desperately trying to fill his lungs with that air that he had never felt was so precious as now.


′′ I told you to save your breath, remember? This is just a small reminder in case you forgot, by the way, I was wrong before; things did change. . . Now stay away from me if you don’t want another kind reminder from me. ′′ There was an intense warning in Claire’s words that was compounded by the slight sadistic amusement in her voice.

The reality was that Claire was a good girl, a kind girl with a good heart; But she had endured too many injustices in this world and she was sick of having to deal with unreasonable people like Brayan.

That was why Claire had been ruthless to him, added to that she had learned from Desmond that sometimes it was necessary to be ruthless enough for your enemies to fear you because they were less likely to try something stupid if they were too scared to do it; of course, Claire had learned that from the few individuals who, after being considered enemies by Desmond, had survived.

Actually, the sardonic smile and that playful but sadistic tone of voice had been mimicked by Desmond who did not seem to be aware of his own expressions when he dealt with certain situations like this.

The truth is that Claire did not enjoy hurting others, but she was aware that sometimes such things were necessary; An irrelevant detail on the subject is that Claire was sometimes quite aroused to see Desmond in his sadistic way, not that she was a masochist or anything, but she was attracted to that wild side of the man she loved.

Of course, because Claire was being deeply in love with Desmond it wasn’t possible to say that she was attracted to one side of Desmond in particular since it is likely that a romantic Desmond, a concentrated Desmond, and even a paternal Desmond would excite and attract her in the same way.

Returning to the present moment, Claire continued on her way to her friend leaving behind a stunned and terrified Brayan who did not say a single word from the beginning to the end of the entire encounter.

Upon reaching Melissa’s side, Claire just took her friend’s hand as she smiled and said gently:

′′ I told you that you would not be alone, now you can count on me when we are within the army; just tell me if someone messes with you I’ll see if they can keep doing it with their feet twenty meters above the ground. ′′

Melissa looked at Claire who was acting confidently like an older sister who said she would protect you from the bad kids in the neighborhood and a feeling of deep warmth filled her heart, Melissa didn’t know how, but she was sure that Claire had done the things this way for her; As for what had made Claire originally, Melissa had a little idea when she reminded her friend to turn on and off that strange glint in her eyes.

′′ Thanks. ′′ Melissa exclaimed between sobs as tears began to fall down her cheeks, only she knew how scared she was when they told her that she would enter the army, and although now she was worried about Claire at the same time she felt deeply moved by her friend’s actions.

′′ For those are the friends, do not worry everything will be fine. . . although I think Desmond is going to scold me when he comes back, I was not supposed to awaken a skill today or rather I am not supposed to reveal that I awakened a skill; but don’t worry he doesn’t get too mad at me.

Furthermore, with the current situation and knowing him, it is unlikely that we could stay away from the military. Seriously, just stop crying, everything will be fine; Desmond will come up with something and we’ll be fine. ′′

While Melissa processed the words of her friend, she continued to lie in her embrace, the tears still fell down from melissa′s cheeks, and although her lips did not come out more than soft sobs; Melissa had promised inside her that she would do anything to protect Claire and return the favor she had done him today.

′′ I really hope Desmond doesn’t get too mad. ′′ Claire thought with a bitter smile.

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