Chapter 62

My worries only increased once the battle was over, despite my glorious victory, I didn’t feel like relaxing, not after having experienced humanoid beasts using team combat tactics to try to annihilate me firsthand. I couldn’t help my doubts and worries from growing stronger after witnessing the course of this battle, we may have won, but the tactics tackled by the mutant beasts in turn proved to be highly effective against human defenses.

Had it not been for my intervention, the air raid squad made up of ripper ravens in conjunction with the assassination squad of invisible lizardmen, would have been enough for the north wall to be completely annihilated, with the defensive forces concentrated on the other walls. It would have been too late by the time the news reached headquarters. The defenses would fall and with it would all this human settlement, I had not heard of the annihilation of a human population of this size in years, and even so, today that event was not far from taking place.

Seeing that I only had three arrows left in my quiver, I could only feel the emptiness of my metaphorical wallet, since the entire set of arrows had cost me quite a few credits from the association, taking into account that the most dangerous enemies were killed by me using a bow. and daggers, maybe he should ask the military for compensation of some kind; although I don’t think I can do that without them wanting to check my identity so let’s drop the idea.

I was about to leave the place when a small group of soldiers approached the place where I was, I was tempted to escape, but seeing the insignia of a sword piercing the sun that hung from their uniforms, I resisted the impulse and preferred to wait for see what they wanted. After all, even I would run into trouble trying to escape from a small squad made up entirely of Espers, they seemed to look around and after ordering some low-level soldiers to pick up the corpses of the lizardmen to take them somewhere, they came to speak with me.

′′ Excuse me, the military high command is holding an emergency meeting to discuss some of the details of today’s battle and other related matters, we were instructed to invite you to give your opinion on some of these matters, as your participation in the battle was quite significant and you faced some enemies quite a bit. . . unique. ′′

They were surprisingly polite in the way they addressed me, probably as a show of respect in front of someone with enough power to back them up, but it didn’t escape my attention, the fact they slightly adjusted their postures and positions so that they could easily surround me in the case they will not like my answer.

So using the special mask that I had commissioned Elaisa to get for me, I agreed to accompany them, I am not a clairvoyant or anything like that, but somehow I assumed that situations like this could happen in the future, so back then I asked Elaisa to get me a resistant mask that would not fall off in combat, would not obstruct my vision and distort my voice. In the end, I got a pretty cool mask that completely covers my face, as for the matter of voice and sight, it seems to be fixed with magic.

Soon I arrived at the largest military building in the area where I assumed the meeting would take place, I really did not like the level of security in this place, so while no one was looking I made a small gesture and with a lighter weight I followed my steps leaving behind a small gift in case things went wrong.


′′ Over here sir, the meeting has already started, you will be called soon to narrate your experience on the battlefield. ′′

OK, no problem. ′′

The leader of the group that brought me here started to retreat but soon stopped for a brief moment, turning around I wonder.

′′ Did you lose something on the way here, sir? ′′

Wow, the boy if he is perceptive, I am surprised that he noticed a detail as small as this, but I suppose that for something they are elite soldiers.

′′ Nothing, in particular, one of my arrows was damaged during combat, probably when I had to resort to hand-to-hand combat, I hadn’t noticed it until now that the battle was over, so I got rid of it on the way, but don’t worry officer, leave the arrow right where it should be so it won’t mess up its base, trust me. ′′

The man considered my words for a moment, probably trying to find a fault in them, I must say that maybe this soldier is not as capable as he seems, maybe he is simply paranoid by nature, of course, it could also be my prejudice against other handsome men who are talking. In my defense it is not just the fact that the military man in front of me is incredibly attractive, but rather the fierce and arrogant look that emanates from him, I can almost bet that he is anything but a gentleman with the ladies.

′′ In that case, sir, we withdraw. ′′

He said goodbye doing a standard military salute which I didn’t return, that seemed to annoy him, but I didn’t care one bit, so I let it be. Wait a few minutes, when my patience almost reached its limit, the door to the conference room opened and a lieutenant quickly approached me.

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