Chapter 43

Diing! Diinng!

′′ Oh, it seems like it’s time to take a lunch break. ′′

As I looked at my agent’s firm ass, I was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful this girl’s curves were; but the lust within me soon faded as I began to consider what kind of hunter I wanted to be.

′′ Here you have Desmond. ′′

′′ Thank you Elaisa, I suppose we will continue our conversation after eating a little; I’ll be honest with you things got pretty dangerous shortly before I was transported so I didn’t have time to eat and I’m pretty hungry. ′′

′′ Really? Let’s see. . . Wow now I see what you are talking about, moments before being transported you recorded two new analyzes in the notebook, both of three-star class beings; one was even an archangel. ′′


′′ I had a pretty strong scare at that time, you should know that angels and the like are only legends in the world where I come from. ′′

′′ I see, you don’t have to worry about it; the celestial race rarely starts a conflict, but I have to warn you that they win whatever they get involved in. They are peaceful, but they are by no means weak. ′′

What else could I do than shrug my shoulders and put on a bitter smile, I was clearly aware of how powerful a member of the celestial race could be. After a brief silence we both proceeded to eat, it was uncomfortable in more ways than one; It seemed like we were both taking great care to look as decent as possible while we ate.

This might not be relevant, but I have to say: The burger was unbelievably delicious, the meat was so juicy and flavorful, probably the best burger I’ve ever eaten in my entire life. Having finished eating, we turned back to the issues concerning my hunter class selection.

′′ So, have you thought about what kind of hunter you want to be? ′′

′′ Yes I have thought about it, but first I would like to ask you a question; Among the information you gave me, you mentioned that part of the reason why hunter classes exist is because of the variety of jobs entrusted to the association, another part corresponds to the knowledge necessary to carry out the functions of each class and for Lastly, the skills of a hunter tend to specialize to perform these functions; I am right? ′′

′′ That is correct Desmond, although there are other reasons; those are the main ones. ′′

′′ So is it possible to choose more than one kind of hunter ?, I mean; as long as they have the skills and acquire the necessary knowledge for the job they wish to perform. ′′

′′ I suppose what they say is true. ′′

′′What are you talking about? ”

′′ The question you just asked is one that all hunters ask and the answer is yes, hunters who take this path are known as star hunters; thus seeking to cover five separate extremes of this profession. Like a five-pointed star where the various kinds are placed; these hunters are at the core of the star. ′′

′′ Then it is possible. ′′

′′ It is, but it is not an option that you recommend. It is the least common and most difficult class of hunter to master; the reasons should be obvious on their own. You should know currently there are at least a couple of tens of billions of hunters, this number may seem astronomical, but you must bear in mind that the population of intelligent beings on an average planet is in the billions, there are millions of these planets in an average dimension, and currently, the association operates in at least one million of these dimensions. In any case, among all these hunters only 0.000001% are star hunters, many hunters try this path before giving up and choosing one class from the other five; Of course, those who have persisted on this path have become the best hunters the association has. As for why so many hunters give up on this path, it is related to the aforementioned reasons about the differences between the classes; but there is also the existence of promotion exams. ′′

′′ Promotion tests, what is that? ′′

′′ You will see with the resources that the association has, it would be very easy to turn any hunter into a being of immense power, but that is not our objective; And ultimately it could be said that many of the restrictions the association has are meant to prevent hunters from easily becoming powerful. It’s hard to know what they would do if all that power was simply handed over to them; furthermore, that would also harm the association’s interests to maintain the balance. ′′

′′ So promotion tests are one of those restrictions. ′′

′′ I must say Desmond that you are quite perceptive, that is correct; exams exist for that purpose. Each hunter must pass an ascension exam in order to gain access to higher-level worlds; The exams are designed to test the qualities that the association believes are necessary for each class of hunter. ′′

′′ If the exams are designed to test whether a hunter is fit to follow their way to the top in a certain class, that means that the star hunters are likely to pass exams with a much higher level of difficulty. ′′

This time Elaisa seemed genuinely surprised, since the beginning of our conversation she has seen that I am quite capable of drawing my own conclusions and deductions; after so many similar incidents I guess she is surprised by my ability to adapt so far.

′′ Elaisa. ′′

′′Yes? ′′

′′ I know what kind of hunter I want to be. ′′

′′you’re sure? ′′

Miss Rossi seemed to have a bad feeling about my answer, so a cautious expression was clearly visible on her lovely soft face. This girl had a youthful air, soft but provocative curves, and a sweet face; Despite how much I would like to flirt with her for now I have to keep things serious.

′′I’m sure . . . I want to be a star hunter. ′′

′′ It is exactly what I was afraid of. ′′ Elaisa exclaimed after a short sigh.

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