Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 913 T.D.O.N.B: S27B, Part III - Pinned Down

She rolled to the side at the last possible moment, partially avoiding being crushed. The piece of round metal still caught her shoulder, dislocating the bone with a loud snap before completely hitting the ground, sending a tremor, and rising a cloud of dust. Something which allowed Ki\'rai to roll back up on her feet, then escape under the barrage of laser beams shot by the gunslinger.

She tried to vanish from sight, using her skill, but couldn\'t. The mage wouldn\'t let her. The next step was to use illusion once again, to create a distraction. Will entered the picture, charging at the warrior, but he turned into nothing before the alien could even react because the spellcaster was on high alert to ruin all of her shenanigans.

She ran to the closest stone spike, to hit her dislocated shoulder with. The bone snapped back, crushing part of the crystal in the process. Then Ki\'rai turned around showing her white teeth as a display of the anger boiling inside her small body.

The fight was harder than she expected. The puny tricks weren\'t working, so it was time to start fighting seriously, even so early into their suicide mission, because otherwise, she could easily die in this place.

Answering her call, the body began quickly transforming. Her eyes turned completely white, and from there, her asking started to lose color too. She couldn\'t stay in one place, so she ran away, escaping the next barrage of laser beams as the metamorphosis progressed.

She also pulled out another blade, since she lost one when the shield hit her shoulder, making the fingers go briefly limp.

The mage tried really hard to contain her movement with spikes coming out of the ground, aimed to pierce through her body. At the same time, the warrior stayed relatively close, to block her from ever approaching the aliens on the backline.

The transformation made Ki\'rai faster, so the spellcaster had to really push himself to have even a slight chance of getting her. A few seconds later, as she dodged everything, he resigned completely, switching his approach to a different one and leaving the room to the gunslinger who, once again, started shooting.

The laser beams were faster, much faster, but also didn\'t leave any obstacles that she had to deal with later. Increasing the speed slightly, pushing herself, she stayed relatively safe, activating her other skills which strengthened her body.

Suddenly she stopped, focusing her eyes on the mage. She leaped forward, but something went wrong. Her eyes went wide when she realized that she was much slower than she was supposed to be. It was magic that somehow made her more sluggish, allowing the warrior to keep up, and block her from reaching the backline.

His shield stopped her, but that didna mean she would just hive up. She struck with the blades, making sparks burst, as she spun around to catch the edge of the shield with her foot, and hive herself a way to change direction, just when the warrior attempted to bash her.

This, combined with her move, exposed him enough, that she could throw the dagger at his face.

He moved to dodge, but the weapons still caught his cheek, cutting through the skin. No blood appeared, though. The weapon flew through the air further.

Ki\'rai disappeared, turning into a wisp of white smoke, before appearing with her hand grasping the danger she just threw, in a different place, behind the warrior.

The gunslinger shoot at her, while the magic of the spellcaster was still interfering with her movement. She had no other choice but to deflect with the blades, which she did, but barely. She was unable to land on the ground safely, though. The mage, in the middle of this, dropped the slowing spell and instead used some earth magic.

Two hands made out of stone shot up clapping her as if she was some kind of bug.

A buzzing sound filled the area, and one of those hands shattered into small fragments when a sonic wave burst out from between the two of them, freeing Ki\'rai.

She didn\'t waste a second, instead just used the opportunity of her body having the access to her full speed. She ran down the stone hands, then charged at the mage.

The gunslinger tried to interrupt the, but with some fancy footwork, she dodged everything. She threw the dagger, turning into the same whisp of white smoke, before appearing right in front of the spellcaster\'s face, holding firm the handle of her short sword, about to jam it into his face.

But she didn\'t.

The weapon was stopped abruptly, when it pierced through the first layer of the barrier around him, but failed to go any further. Ki\'rai growled before a powerful blast of energy hit her from the side.

It was the gunslinger, who put together both his weapons and used a lot of energy to shoot a powerful beam. So powerful that it previously was able to alter slightly even the trajectory at which I flew my bubble.

When the beam vanished, there was no sign of Ki\'rai. No body, just two daggers, laying on the ground a few steps away from the mage, and a crater of melted stone a two dozen steps further.

It was big and had this orange glow with lava on the edges, but the middle was completely dark, only starting to turn white, because most of the substance evaporated instantly, and the rest was only catching up with the sudden burst of the heat.

The little lizard appeared where the first blade she let go of was lying with her hand on the handle. She picked it up with her face twisted by anger, then charged at the gunslinger, to finish that bastard off, before he could try to shoot her again. After all his attacks were the deadliest.

Not to mention the fact that he seemed to be the least defended target.

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