Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 847 T.D.O.N.B: Even More Bad News

The next day started a weird period f time for me. At breakfast, I offered everybody help in getting stronger. Unanimously they all declined. It was a matter of pride for them, obviously, but I wanted to do something, anything, to make sure they would be ready.

Unfortunately for me, I didn\'t get the opportunity. What was worse, I didn\'t really have anything to do, which just infuriated me. I felt like I should be around, just in case something stupid happened, but there wasn\'t really much to do for me in the city.

This led to me spending my days looking for ways to just kill time. I started to consider building a workshop in Arc so that at least I could do something useful instead of sitting idly.

Then the news about the tournament hit the city, and it was everything people could talk about. I knew the details very well since Will made sure to inform me about everything. It was supposed to be directed in a way for my family members to fight in the first round with the people who wished to settle quarrels with them, then later progress in a ladder form.

There was even a price for the top three. Third place could request a single magical item from the best craftsmen in Arc, the second could get two, and the third could get three. I briefly even wondered if they could make something better than I could.

In terms of monetary value, that was probably a few hundred million dollars, so quite a stimulus to at least consider taking part in it.

In the end, Will decided to spin it around a bit, so instead of going with \'solving the grudges\' reasoning behind the whole thing, he just went with something more positive, making it like a sports event.

It escalated very quickly, and the whole thing was supposed to be broadcasted around the world. The city even had to make a proper arena for it, since nothing like that existed. So, just like that, it all was pushed further down the timeline. This move, though, only generated more problems.

The rewards were so nice, that everybody who potentially had a good shot, at even getting the third place, wanted to try. So All the hunting grounds were so occupied, swarmed with requests, that there was no room for those who just wanted to hunt.

My family had the same problems as everybody else. Will couldn\'t just help them, because it would be noticed, so there wasn\'t that we could do. After a couple of days with this issue shaking the whole city, I got a visit from Daniel, and Will himself.

I was alone in the house, reading when I heard the doorbell. I went to check who was it. I found the two of them on the other side of the door, so I invited them.

- We have some bad news - Daniel said before we even reached the day room.

- At this point all news you bring is bad, so is this somehow worse than the rest of the stuff you came back with? - I asked him, not hiding how I felt about what was going on.

- You should listen to what he says, because we should come up with something, otherwise... - he didn\'t finish, which made him sound even more ominous.

We went outside, into the garden. I had a table and a few chairs set up there, right next to the door leading to the house. I briefly popped back into the day room to get us drinks, without even asking if they wanted to have some alcohol at that hour.

I returned with four glasses, then sat down with them. Tam popped up for a moment to have a look at what was going on but then vanished.

- Ok, tell me that bad news - I started the conversation.

- You know about the recent problems with booking the hunting grounds? - Daniel asked me.

I nodded in response.

- It\'s quite a problem, but not for everybody - he said.

This made me rise my eyebrows.

- Some people found a way around this, and by some I mean the people you are currently thinking about - he informed me.

- Can we do something about that? What are they even doing? - I asked.

- They have numbers on their side and are booking every possible spot at mass. Then, instead of people who actually booked the place, a different group goes, and cleans the hunting ground - Will explained. - Since situations like this normally are resolved by the system of reports, we can\'t do shit, because nobody is reporting them, because people who booked the spot were with those guys from the start.

- As Will said, they have the numbers - Daniel added.

- Fuck - left my mouth. - My family is getting a dozen crystals per day those days.

- Yeah, while they are getting a lot. Clearing several hunting grounds from A to Z - Will said. - This is not good, especially when it will take some time for the event to happen. It\'s getting pushed back over and over.

- Any ideas on what to do? - I asked. - Cause I have one, but...

- Loistavadvaar? - Daniel asked. - I doubt your kids will agree with that. They have too much pride, but... The hardest spots are free because nobody can actually clean them with our top hunters being still away, so...

- I\'m not sure if I can persuade them - I sighed.

- I\'ll do it - Will said. - I\'ll come later for a drink. Just leave me with them. We will have a couple of drinks, then talk.

I shrugged my shoulders.

- I\'m not sure if it will work, but go ahead - I told him.

After that, we finished the alcohol, and they left me home. I was alone once again, slightly more pissed than before their visit.

Like if I didn\'t have enough problems without Blue and his horde of idiots. It made me so frustrated, that the thoughts of going out there and finding the asshole once again showed in my mind, but thankfully I calmed myself down.

There was a chance he could hide from me if I wasn\'t careful, so actually Daniel\'s proposition was giving a bigger chance for succes.

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