Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 409

I left velvet lotus carrying Tam under my arm and headed straight towards wolf territory, but I made a stop on my way, just after making it past the nice architecture, and making it to the ruined part of the city.

Then I put my chicken on the ground and used \'Summon enhancement\' on him. I didn\'t want to go overboard, so I just went with a bit of mana. Probably double the whole mana pool of a person with one fully upgraded magic class of the first tier.

Tam grew in size to be just as tall as I was, which made me want to make him bigger. I doubled what I used previously making him just big enough, to work as a mount. I also used \'Skill sharing\' on him, and shared my \'Shadow walk\'.

- Ok, now I\'m gonna climb on your back, so don\'t freak out, ok? - I said to him.

- Bawk! - was his answer, and it was so damn loud, that it hurt my ears.

I climbed on the back of my chicken, grabbing his feathers tightly.

- Charge! - I shouted, and Tam started running.

It was awesome! I never rode on any animal before, not to mention that my chicken was anything but ordinary. With my magic flowing through his body he was way faster than a normal rooster would be. On top of that, he started shadow walking!

Kinda randomly at first, but he quickly figured out how that skill worked, and our speed even increased.

If I was to run by myself, I would be still way faster, but the whole thing would also be way less fun. We charged through the streets like a caricature of cavalry, eventually reaching the gate, and picking the attention of the guards on duty. The first ones to notice us pointed at us, and soon every single guard out there knew about me and my chicken, as we vanished into the woods.

Maneuvering between the trees was easy for Tam. The obstacles he had to avoid making me better experience the speed he was running at. There were few calls though when he had to use \'Shadow walk\' to avoid a collision.

It didn\'t take long for me to hear the first squeaky sounds made by lizards, giggles, and nasty sounds of flesh being cut.

- Slow down Tam. We are close - I whispered to him, and he followed my orders.

When we emerged from behind the trees all Xuzards reacted by scampering, spreading around, and hiding behind the trees. Only a single lizard didn\'t run away. Ki\'rai.

She twisted her head to the side, looking at the giant chicken. I jumped down from my mount and came from behind it.

- Hi Ki\'rai! - I waved my hand, smiling.

- Peter? - at first, she was surprised, but then she remembered that she is actually angry at me, and pouted.

- I came to apologize, and I also would like to meet your brethren.

The little lizards were peeking from behind the trees all this time. With my introduction, they slowly came out, looking at her for confirmation that it really is safe. She used her hand, to summon them closer, and a whole lively bunch surrounded her.

- Then do!

- I\'m sorry that I left you, and didn\'t make any contact. I had to go, but I was unsure if I will be able to return, so I had to go alone. Then... Something happened with Will and his family. I wanted to fix it, so I focused on opening the gate to earth. I should have told you this and apologized sooner. I\'m sorry Ki\'rai. Will you forgive me?

She nodded slowly.

- I forgive you.

I smiled at her.

- So, who are those lovely people?

She introduced me to every single Xuzard, one by one. There were a lot of names, and to be honest there was no way for me to remember them all. I learned some with time, though.

They invited me to hunt with them, and since I really didn\'t have anything better to do, I agreed. I mostly stayed at the backline and watched them fight. I have to admit, they were quite flashy, running around and jumping at the wolves. Climbing trees, and ambushing from above.

They had little carts with them to collect the crystals.

At some point, even Tam had his moment to shine, as he gt attack, and pecked one of the animals to death. His strength after my enhancement was no joke, way more than he needed to deal with a bunch of wolves.

We made it all the way to the cave, and then I was basically made a walking light source. My firebirds were more than enough to make the path illuminated. Ki\'rai and her gang easily dealt with the beasts, and only got a bit of trouble when it came to the strongest breeds. Still, there was no need for me to intervene.

Eventually, we reached the door leading to the werewolf chamber.

- I want to kill the boss - she informed me. - Can you help me?

- Sure. Whatever you need.

She smiled and went to push the door to reveal a familiar view. The moonlight coming from the ceiling, and a single throne with him.

I followed her inside, meanwhile the animal transformed into its more menstrual form. I just approached him, turning the seal off, while he tried to claw my face off. I grabbed the hand, broke them in one swift move, and then subjugated the beast. He tried his best to free himself, but I was just too physically strong for him.

All Ki\'rai needed to do, was cut his head off, and she did just that. It wasn\'t easy, since she had to avoid the beast\'s jaws.

Meanwhile, all the lizards observed the scene in awe.

Eventually, she got him, and the body turned to smoke, leaving crystal behind.

- Congratulations - I said to her.

She nodded firmly, happy with the victory. After that, we all returned to the city. Since I was walking beside them there was no point for Tam to stay in his big form, so I cut off the mana supply, and just carried him in my arms.

We did a bit of celebration later, in Velvet Lotus, where I had witnessed for the first time how to party lizards look like. They were everywhere, overtaking the dancefloor. Humans didn\'t even try to go there, giving it all to them. It was too fun to just watch them going crazy in the rhythms of music.

The day came to an end with 3 847 029 points remaining on my account, and 19 class points.

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