Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 307

I started by activating \'Eyes of the Void\' and then went inside to immediately start falling. My speed was accelerating with every second, to the point that even my tough body wouldn\'t withstand the impact, but I had an ace in my sleeve.

I shadow walked slightly lower to reduce the speed and kept falling. The process needed to be repeated few times, before I finally landed on the ground. I couldn\'t see it, but there was an elevator door in front of me. I just shadow walked past it.

I found myself in a dark room with only a few small red lamps constantly plinking. Something I noticed after turning the \'Eyes of the Void\' off for a moment. It looked similar to the decontamination area I remembered from my previous visit with KI\'rai. This one was rougher though. Bare metal everywhere.

There was a big and strong door at the end. I just shadow walked past it to find myself in a similar short corridor, with another door, which I also went through.

This time I ended up in a different place. It was a long chamber with a set of small beds fixed to both walls perpendicularly. I turned the skill of again, to see if there was any light, but there was none. There was also nobody around. I went further, and past another door to find myself in front of a team of small lizards with guns of some kind pointed at me.

- Turn away, Peter - the voice of Shu\'ah Oot Atso Yeingem came from speakers hidden somewhere in the corridor.

- Happily. Give me Ki\'rai and I\'ll walk away.

- C-27 will remain in our possession.

- She is a person, you can possess her.

- Turn away.

I shadow walked in the middle of the soldiers. Few guns went off, targeting the place I just left. Few swings were enough to just massacre the whole team. Even the walls couldn\'t stop my blade, as it cut through them like they were made out of paper.

I suspected some kind of alarm to went off, but there was nothing.

- They will not make any noise as they are afraid of catching my attention. The display of the ghost outside was dangerous enough - the voice of The Great One appeared in my head.

- You can read my thoughts? - I said in my mind.

- Of course, although you are not making it easier for me with your recent upgrades. The skills you picked up are annoying, but I think very necessarily.

- I\'ll make sure to pick more of those.

I heard laughter in my head.

Without wasting any more time I started running, aiming in further through the corridor. It was a fairly complicated one, with many doors, forking in left and right multiple times. I was scanning with \'Eyes of the Void\' to make sure I won\'t go past anybody who could point me closer to Ki\'rai.

Soon more soldiers appeared, and without a warning started shooting. I literally massacred them in a second and kept running further. Doors started closing in front of me, but I didn\'t care about that. I think they went on a full lockdown. Unsuccessfully, as I soon made it to the open, underground space.

The same I already visited, although not as an intruder. I exited in a place surrounded by constructions. There was a rock under my feet. A change compared to the metal floor of the interiors.

I stopped only for a second, and then kept running. I turned my skill off again, to look around, but all lights were turned off, so I quickly reactivated it. I ended up fairly close to the lab in the middle. The doom-shaped building I already visited.

I immediately went there, but it was empty. As I left more soldiers appeared. Some on vehicles with heavier weapons, others hovering on the platforms, and even more on foot. Energy beams went off, targeting me, but I was a target very hard to hit. Few shadow walks allowed me to get closer, and a couple of swings were enough for a single group.

They kept shooting at each other, not caring for casualties, which allowed me to notice that those guns were dangerous, even for me. I evacuated and made it on the platforms to kill the troops fairing from above, and then jumped down to attack the mechanized infantry.

Beams were flying everywhere, malting the constructions, and destroying the platforms, which ended up falling heavy on the ground with a dull noise.

I rammed with my shoulder into the closest vehicle, making it fell on the side, shadow walked to the next one to kill the gunner, and from there jumped to several others, eventually finishing all of them. It all took maybe a couple of minutes.

- Peter, stop - the voice of Shu\'ah Oot Atso Yeingem came to me from multiple speakers placed all around the location.

- Give me what I want, and I\'m out!

- Leave or C-27 dies.

- If she dies, I\'ll wreak up this place and kill all of you!

There was no response for a couple of minutes. I hid, to not get shot from afar. Then a platform came flying to the middle of the massacre, carrying Ki\'rai.

- Ki\'rai!

- Peter! Where are you?

I shadow walked towards her, grabbed her, and returned to my spot, scared it\'s a trick to shoot us both.

- Are you ok? - I asked her immediately.

- Yes, I\'m fine.

- Now leave. You got what you wanted - said Shu\'ah Oot Atso Yeingem through the speakers.

I did just that, taking my little lizard to my room in the barracks. There was a little light inside, but I no longer cared for the secrecy, and just opened the shutters wide to let more of it inside. Just as I turned around, she charged at me and hugged me tightly.

- Thank you, Peter.

I hugged her back.

- There is no need to thank.

We remained in silence for a moment, but that still wasn\'t the end, as I was yet to find out.

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