Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 139

After waking up, I grabbed the very few things I had and went to get my cart, then straight to the device.

- I knew it! - Will yelled at me from the side. - You are not going anywhere.

- Fuck off. I won\'t waste my time on that pointless trial.

- That\'s something I can stand by, so yesterday, after you left, I proposed that maybe we should cash in on that whole sharing the werewolf thing, and I got the green light. All of Blue\'s men will be coming back to the city anyway to ensure he got as many votes on his side as possible. We got three days of open season.

- I need six.

- Oh... - He went silent for a moment. - I believe we could persuade him for four, and then ask hatta to give us the two of his passes to goblins and rats. Why do you need so many anyway?

- I have another potentially strong combination, but it costs eleven points in total. With that, I might be able to clear the orc camp by myself.

- They won\'t go for that. I mean Nobuo, Boris, Hatta, and especially Aisha.

- That\'s why I\'m planning to go and find a different spot just for myself. You can play along with Blue, but I\'ll be preparing for the reveal of his real plan.

- I get that. You are being a bit paranoid, but it\'s not uncalled for. I\'ll help as much as I can.

- Thanks, Will.

- Yeah, yeah - he sighed. - Grab your shit and let\'s go kill a werewolf.

I nodded and bought the necessary supplies. Will did the same, and everything ended up on my cart. After that, we were on the move.

- Sorry for yesterday -  he said suddenly. - I know we shouldn\'t sign the deal with him and not expect to be tricked, but I can\'t pass on this.

- I get it, Will. The deal is sweet, I\'m not gonna lie, but... - I sighed heavily - He is scheming something. We just don\'t know what. So maybe we really should take advantage of this to grow. I don\'t know what else we should do.

- Yeah... Let\'s be prepared, and try to do everything to reach back to earth. I really want to see my son.

- I\'ll help how I can.

After that, we stopped talking and walked further in silence for several minutes.

- I shouldn\'t be the one to give you relationship advice, but I feel like I need to tell you this he said suddenly.

- What? - I was surprised by his words.

- Everybody deserves a second chance. We gave one to Blue, so you should grant her one also.

- She betrayed me twice...

- I talked with Vesa and Hailwic. Nadia really wanted to tell us about Blue that night, but Aisha stopped her.

- They asked you to talk with me, didn\'t they?

- Y-y... - he struggled to squeeze the words out of his mouth - Yes. That doesn\'t change anything though. Girl loves you! C\'mon Peter!

- What if it\'s all Aisha\'s plan to have a spy among us? You know, just in case.

- You are being paranoid. Aisha is really alienating her. Nadia is not leaving her own room. She is no longer taking care of Velvet Lotus, and we would gladly get somebody for our own club. She would be a perfect fit. C\'mon Peter.

- She might be a spy...

- C\'mon Peter.

- Shut up.

- C\'mon Peter.

- Fine. I\'ll think about it. Happy?

- You are a good son.

- Shut up... mom.

He laughed, as we kept walking, eventually reaching the gate. Blue and his man were approaching from the other side.

- Good morning Peter and William - he greeted us with a slight smile. - I hope you two will enjoy your hunt.

- Four days - I responded to him ignoring the greetings.

- Four days you say? Fine, but no more than that. See? We can really work together, it\'s not that hard.

I snorted. Will exchanged the greeting though, and we went past them without any trouble. They looked pretty rough.

- Apparently, they were camping in the woods for a whole month. Just as us - Will explained upon seeing how I looked at them.

- Do you know anything about how their hunt went?

- Yeah. The first day was very tough. They lost several people, but after that, it got better. There is also a rumor that Blue can turn into a monster now. Vesa told me.

- So he took the werewolf class - I stated the obvious.

- Apparently.

- That\'s bad information.

- Definitely not a positive one. We should get you stronger Peter.

- Yeah, let\'s go hunt now, and we will think later.

We focused on walking more, increasing our pace. The woods were empty, but the cave was full of enemies. We cleared it easily and finally reached silver doors. I wanted to get it over quickly, so I boosted myself with everything I got, which basically was just Shadow fusion and Ki.

- Holy shit. Your hair just went black - said Will, getting the torch closer to see better.

- What? - confused, I touched the top of my head and then looked at my fingers, which was stupid.

There was no paint on powder there, so there was no way anything would be left on my hands anyway.

- Who cares Will. Let\'s just finish what we came here for - I said pushing the door open.

The fight was easier than ever before, and we returned to the city straight after to share the score. I earned 50 500 points in total. Then I bought some food and went to the room provided by Hatta. I was kinda avoiding him. Still a bit salty about his decision towards Blue, but unwilling to admit it even before myself.

Nadia was also on my mind. I was battling my own thoughts. She deserved a second chance, but I was afraid of the second betrayal. I didn\'t know if I was ready to get hurt so badly again. There was also a fact of me missing her so damn much...

The day came to an end with 693 621 points remaining on my account, as well as six unspent class points.

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