The Alpha's Return

Chapter 97 - Full Moon

"You rushed me so much, and look at where we are. Just passing our time doing nothing. So much for your bragging. When will we go?" Angela asked.

The two of them were in a room, what seemed like the main hall. They were sitting in opposite couches, with a table in front of them.

All of a sudden, a woman appeared before them in a maid outfit and a tray with two tea cups in them.

"Since when did you have a maid fetish?" Angela raised his eyebrows.

"What the hell are you talking about? This is an actual maid. There is a reason why maids wear this outfit." Lucas scoffed as he reached his arms and took one of the cups.

"Tea?" he offered.

"Stop distracting me. When are we leaving?" Angela asked once more. "By the way, is this oolong?"

​ "Darjeeling." the maid replied.

Angela nodded as she took the cup of tea and started sipping from it as well.

"We will wait for the full moon. That way, I can transform fully and attract his attention." Lucas said.

"The full moon? Why the full moon? I thought that the full moon was not that important for you. I thought that only applied to normal werewolves. You are different right? You are a werewolf because you have Fenrir\'s powers." Angela wondered.

"Werewolves can show their full power in a full moon, and they also cannot control it. As for me, Fenrir is not like Lycan. He is not that unstable, but wolves, in general, love the moon, and they would never give up an opportunity to come out and roar at least once." Lucas grinned.

"But hasn\'t a full moon already passed since Fenrir awoke? What did you do then?"  Amelia asked.

"I was in the stupid bunker, hiding and recovering. I built the bunker such that even moonlight would not permeate through. I didn\'t want any external factors within after all. So even during the last full moon, I was just your normal werewolf, of course, just a tad more powerful." Lucas said.

"So I am guessing that Fenrir is going to come out once and roar the shit out of everything in miles?" Angela asked.

"Yup, that\'s pretty much it. And do not worry about the city back there. They are not going to hear any of this. Remember, this place has been my resting place and my base for quite a while. Of course, I was going to take some precautions to make sure that no one knew that I was in here. There are arrays everywhere that I paid a hefty sum to get here. They will block all of the sound, light, and any other occurrence from within those walls. As for the walls themselves, only a nuclear attack could possibly break them." Lucas said.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. You have a great castle here. So next full moon? When is that? I don\'t have the habit of tracking moon cycles. Actually, no person in their right mind does, except for you werewolves." Angela said.

"You are so wrong about that. A lot of vampire tribes that are still battling werewolf tribes, you can find them in Texas or Nevada, well these people are so obsessed that they make sure that during full moons, they look at newly awakened werewolves who cannot control or use their power properly, and kill them." Lucas said.

"Well that was depressing. So then, when is the next full moon?" Angela asked.

"Good thing that you asked. It is today. Today at seven we will be seeing the full moon in its full glory, and Heimdall is up for a huge surprise. Let us just hope that he is not sleepy, or taking a holiday." Lucas grinned.

"Today? You said that I have to wait?" Angela raised her eyebrows.

"And you did, didn\'t you? A full three days. Today night, three hours from now, you can come to the central plaza. The clearing that you can see from literally every window. I will be there, and the Bifrost will probably open up almost immediately, so you better be there in time. Do you want to do some shopping? Pack some stuff up?" Lucas asked.

"No. I have a suitcase ready for the trip. I packed it the moment we came here. Unlike you, I have better things to do than beat up a few children."  Angela said coldly.

"It is not beating them up. Think of it as I am giving them a good lesson. That is all. A good lesson. And they know it."  Lucas chuckled as he put down his tea cup. He waved his finger, and the maid, who was standing there, took the cup immediately.

"Why do you have to be so authoritarian? Give them some rights." Angela protested.

"Rights? You are joking right? I gave them all a new lease on life. These are all hopeless cases that the world gave up on, and no one cared for them. I gave them powers that made them so much more powerful than any other human, and I gave them near immortal life. They owe me everything that they have." Lucas scoffed.

"I will be there in the central plaza or whatever in three hours. I don\'t want to be early, so you better be there on time as well. And what are you bringing? Did you get the chain that Mu Chen was bragging about the whole time I was there?" Angela asked.

"Are you crazy? Do you know how long it took me to put the chain in the bunker itself? It took me twenty days of constant seizures because Fenrir kept trying to seize my body and throw away the damned thing. And you want me to bring it along?" Lucas said with a grim tone.

"So that\'s a no. Got it. Then I will ask Praneeth on what to do if you go out of control. Alright, I am going to my room and read \'The Golden Throne\'. The new chapter is out after all." Angela chuckled as she turned around.

"There are going to be so many gods looking at this place, and you are afraid that I might go out of control? You really are crazy.", Lucas shouted at a now distant Angela.

She waved her hand as she disappeared.

Lucas sighed as he rested on the couch.

"Take the cups away."

The maid nodded, and Angela\'s cup also disappeared from the table.

"Wow. So much is going to happen this night. You better not screw me over, Fenrir." Lucas said.

"When have I ever been unreliable? Name one instance." Fenrir\'s voice said confidentially.

"Let us see. Most recently? The homunculus incident. First, you over used my body. Classic you. And then, you didn\'t even think of informing me that the thing was a ticking time bomb that had poisons in it." Lucas said.

"Name another." Fenrir said.

"1970, when you just got up-"

"Alright, alright. I get the point. Don\'t worry. No one is going to f**k you over this time around. I want to go to Asgard as much as you do. It has been a long time since I saw father." Fenrir said.

"I didn\'t know that you had a cordial relation with Loki." Lucas raised his eyebrows.

"We have an on and off relationship. I am the eldest, so he cares for me more than that bastard snake or that half dead witch." Fenrir said.

"You are probably the only ones in the world who would dare call them that. You are the only child who was properly imprisoned after all. Ouroborous was never fully chained, and he could never be. So technically, you are the weakest." Lucas snickered.

"Say that again. I dare you." Fenrir scowled.

Lucas felt a tinge in his heart.

"Stop it. I was just joking. Get your paws off my heart, you idiot. You will kill me with just a simple movement." Lucas shouted as he gasped for air.

Lucas felt a sweat form on his eyebrows.

"Next time you put me in a situation like that, I will forcefully watch ten hours of k-drama just for you." Lucas said.

"You win." Fenrir simply said.

"Alright. Now it is time to start packing for the trip. I totally forgot to pack until I saw Angela. Now what should I bring? A few gifts for the gods?" Lucas asked.

"Just throw a few pieces of tech at their faces and they will love it." Fenrir scoffed.


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