Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 24 - Twenty-Four: Final Preparations

"Oh, it\'s you Lillia and who is this?" They asked, hopping past Lillia and giving me the once over.

The storekeeper was one of the catkin, just like Altria. Unlike Altria she had black hair, was tanned and she was also a little taller. She was slightly less athletic looking, but still slim, possibly a little smaller around the chest area, but still large. Basically, she was yet another complete hottie. She wore a short green dress along with thigh high socks. It was so low cut I was wondering if she would fall out when she had hopped over to me.

"This is Theo, my new summons." Lillia answered her.

"Ooh, well Altria did mention something… But she didn\'t mention that he looked like this." She squeezed my arm. "Yes, good musculature as well. How is his stamina?"

"How do you mean?" Lillia asked, turning a little flush.

"Don\'t tell me you haven\'t tested it out?"

"Elentra!" Yelped Lillia.

"Haha, sorry I forget you are easily wound up… Anyway, what have you come here for?" She asked looking at me directly. "I sell all sorts here and anything you want I can probably order in if I don\'t have it. I even offer services in the back room, if you have any aches. I\'d be happy to massage them out for you." She said with a little wink.

"We\'re just here to get him a journey bag thank you." Lillia interrupted.

"Ah, then follow me. I think I have just what you need." She said heading to the back of the shop and pulling a large bag off the rack. "Here."

"That looks like just what we need." Lillia said inspecting the bag. "What do you think Theo?"

I gave it a once over. It was just a heavy cotton bag with a few pockets. It looked like it would be big enough to carry supplies for a few days\' travels. I slung it over my shoulder, it seemed comfortable enough.

"I\'m happy with this." I told them.

"Good, how much do we owe you Elentra?" Lillia asked.

"Three coins please."

"Here you go." Lillia passed her the money. "Come on Theo."

Lillia seemed to be in a rush to leave, even more so now after talking to Elentra. I picked up the bag followed Lillia to the exit, stopping to say goodbye to Elentra.

"Bye, nice to meet you."

"Bye." She said nodding her head and giving a little bow.

I was certain they were going to fall out this time. Elentra giggled a little noticing the concerned look on my face.

"Do come and visit again. If you do want a massage, I\'ll offer you discount."

"Thanks, I\'ll definitely consider it." I said turning and walking out the door trying to follow Lillia who had already left. "Bye!"

I ran out the door and into the street after Lillia. She had already a couple of stores down the street by the time that I caught up with her.

"You finished?" She asked.

"Yes, I was just being polite and saying goodbye."

"I know… Those catkin, she\'s just as bad as Altria. I\'m sure they all only think of one thing."

I wondered at Lillia\'s comment, maybe all catkin were nymphomaniacs… Although that was a little rich coming from Lillia. She did act a little more reserved, but lately she was easily as eager as Altria was.

"So… Where to now?" I asked changing the subject.

"To the swordsmith."

"Ah Beth\'s."

"Yes, come on."

Beth\'s was only a few streets away and we were soon at the front door. Beth was already at the desk when walked inside.

"Lillia, Theo. Good to see you both. What can I do for you today?" She asked as we entered.

"Do you have time to sharpen some blades for us? We\'ll need them back by the end of the day." Lillia asked.

"How many do you have that need doing?"

Lillia reached down to her boots and pulled out two small knives that were concealed there and placed them on the counter. She then pulled two really large blades off each of her hips and placed them on the counter. I had never noticed them there, their sheaths blended so well into her skirt they were nearly unnoticeable.

"Just these and you might as well check over Theo\'s sword." Lillia said once she had finished laying her blades on the counter.

"Will it need sharpening already? I\'ve only been using it for a few days." I asked.

"Better for us to leave it here with Beth to check over now, than to head out and it to lose it edge when you need it."

"She\'s right." Agreed Beth. "Hmm, well I don\'t have much on today, so if it\'s just those and Theo\'s sword, I should be done in a couple of hours."

"That\'s great, thank you Beth."

I unclipped my sword\'s scabbard from my belt and placed it on the counter for Beth.

"I suppose if you\'re doing all of this it means you\'re taking this one out on his first proper adventure?" Asked Beth.

"Yes, we\'re heading down to Lintz tomorrow morning." Answered Lillia.

"Ah Lintz, I suppose you\'re going by carriage?"

"No, on foot. I want this one to get some experience on the way."

"Then I won\'t be giving any lessons for a while then. Well do take good care of my newest student whilst you\'re out there."

"Of course, I will."

Beth chuckled.

"Well you just leave these to me. Go on then, you look like you\'ve got a lot to get done. I\'ll see you in a couple of hours."

With that we said our goodbyes and left Beth to get on with the sharpening. Our next task was to get the food we needed for the walk there, but first it was time for a quick lunch. We had only made three stops, but it was already early afternoon. To keep things quick, we just called in at the sandwich place at the market and then it was time for the food shopping. The next couple hours were spent gathering dried meats, salted meats and vegetables that would last us until we reached our destination town.

Once we had finished gathering the food, it was time to collect our blades and after a quick visit to the Beth\'s it was back to guild house for the evening. We met Altria there and the three of us stopped for dinner. As we were eating, I was hit by a thought.

"Hold on, shouldn\'t we have got some sleeping gear and some tents or something?" I asked.

"Don\'t worry, I asked Altria to gather all of that for us. I assume that all went well Altria?" Asked Lillia.

"It\'s all organised. The gear will be delivered to the front of the guild house tomorrow morning." Answered Altria.

They were more organised than I had thought to give them credit.

"See, everything is hand." Lillia said smiling just a little smugly.

"It does look that way."

After we had finished eating the three of us stayed in the guild hall for a couple of drinks. I had half expected Serin to make an appearance, but in the end, it seemed that I would have to wait until tomorrow before I got to meet her properly.

It was relatively early that we wrapped things off and as Lillia and Altria left, I was given strict instructions to get an early night. Neither girl left the guild hall until they saw me walk up the stairs. I had wanted to at least talk to Jules before I left, but all I had the chance for was a wave across the room to the front desk as I headed to bed. It was funny to see her back to her prim and proper, slightly bookish looking self as she worked away on the front desk.

I had been upstairs for about twenty minutes and had just about finished packing away my gear when someone knocked at the door. I wondered if it was going to be Lillia or Altria when I opened the door.

"Jules?" I was a little surprised to see her there.

"Evening Theo."

"How did you know this was my room?"

"I work here remember. It was me that booked you this room for Lillia… Anyway, aren\'t you going to invite me?"

"Y-yes, please come in."

Jules walked straight inside pushing me back and closing the door behind her as she stepped inside.

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