Epic of Bee

Chapter 310 Just Bee Cute

I appeared back in the Queen\'s Chamber with Hilda and collapsed onto the floor, exhausted. "That was... intense," I managed to say between gasps for breath.

"Yes, it was," Hilda said as she walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder. "But you did it; you saved the Queens."

I looked up at the Queen, that was looking around wildly. She was still encased in the nectar, but she seemed more scared than anything now.

"I am Ashia, Queen Bee, and you were infected by a virus. I removed it, and from all the other queens, so I ask you to tell your drones to stop fighting," I said as I got up slowly with Hilda\'s help and now DQ Bee, who was beside me as well.

"Of course, we will stop fighting. This entire thing was a mistake," she said as she looked down at the ground sadly.

"It is not your fault," I said as I walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder, absorbing the nectar back into me. "The one responsible for this is gone now, and you have nothing to worry about."

"Thank you," she said as she looked up at me with gratitude. "You have saved us all."

"It was my pleasure. For now, I will let you get things back in order, but I expect to have a meeting with all the Queens. Because of what has happened, we are going to have to have a plan going forward to keep everyone happy," I said with a smile before turning and walking back to Hilda and DQ Bee. "Now, let\'s get out of here; I think we\'ve all had enough adventure for one day."

They both nodded in agreement as I ordered all the other girls to head back to the ship before following me out of the chamber and back to the Super Otter Bee Mega Cat Battleship Mk II. We were all quiet on the ride back to base, but our thoughts were probably along the same lines; what would happen now that Tyler was gone?

The idea that I had defeated him was silly to even think since he wasn\'t here, but now Hilda having access to the F.I.R.E. prevented him from sucking me into any more games like this last one. If he did, we would just upset the balance and make him regret it again.

"Ashia? You have been quiet the entire flight back," Hilda said as we flew with DQ Bee flying on her own on my other side.

"I was just thinking about what happened and what will happen now," I replied as I turned to look at her. "Do you think that Tyler is gone for good?"

"I do not know, but we will be prepared for anything. He was an excellent fighter, but you have proven yourself to be stronger. If he does return, we will just have to make sure that he does not take any more queens," she said with a serious expression.

"I agree," I said as we reached the Super Otter Bee Mega Cat Battleship Mk II. "We need to be prepared for anything, but now it is time for an even bigger challenge. I have to sort everyone out!"

"I think that you have earned a day of rest, my Queen," DQ Bee said from beside me, and I nodded.

"Sure, but that doesn\'t change that the next day is going to be filled to the tits with things to do. I have Bee-n away for a while, and there are so many more people under my rule right now. I am going to be stuck in an office for weeks!" I complained as I flew into the ship and down to my room.

"You could always have someone stick around to help you with that," DQ Bee said as she followed me, but I just shook my head.

"No, it is something that I need to do myself. This is my responsibility, and I will not slack off on it," I said as we reached my room. I turned and looked at her before pulling her into a hug. "Thank you for everything, DQ Bee."

"You\'re welcome, Queen Ashia," she replied as she hugged me back tightly before pulling away and flying out of the room. "Now get some rest; you deserve it."

"Bah! Rest is for the weak or dead! I Bee-lieve in hard work!" I said as I started to undress, but DQ Bee was already gone, so she didn\'t hear me.

I sighed as I finished undressing and collapsed onto the bed, too exhausted to even think about work. Maybe DQ Bee was right; maybe I did deserve a day of rest after everything that had happened.

But even as I drifted off to sleep, my mind was racing with all the things that needed to be done; there was just too much Bee-ing a Queen!


The next day, I woke up in my own luxurious hexagon bed with silk sheets and moaned as I rolled around in them. It felt so good to Bee home again!

I slowly got up, making my way to the lavish bathroom, where I started the shower and let the steaming hot water wash over me. As I stood there, I couldn\'t help but think about everything that had happened in such a short time; it was really Bee-coming too much!

First, there was Tyler and his game, which had been pretty intense. Then there were the Queens, who were all saved from a disastrous situation, but no one was going to trust them. And now, on top of all of that, I had to run an entire Hive of well over a million!

I was sure that there would be more challenges to come, but I had to Bee ready for them. After all, I was the Queen, and the Hive needed me.

"Ashia?" Miku called as she poked her head out of a shadow on the other side of the room.

"Yes! I am in bed! Come join me!" I called, and I watched as Miku and Rixie both popped out of the shadow. It was always cute to see them, and their Shadow Walking abilities were Bee-yond amazing. Rixie was one of the next girls that I wanted to Bee one of my Wives, but I wanted to take a bit more time to get to know her.

In truth, I really hadn\'t had much time to spend with my girls, but that was going to change now that we were all back in the same floating Hive. The girls came over, but Miku told me that I smelled funny and forced me to try out the new shower that was installed.

After my shower, I got out and put on a bee-autiful silk robe that clung to my wet body.

I walked into the bedroom, where Miku and Rixie were waiting for me in bed. They both looked up at me with adoration as they pulled back the covers for me to join them.

I smiled as I slipped under the covers and snuggled up against Miku\'s soft, warm body. "Mmm, it feels so good to Bee home again," I said as I closed my eyes and let out a content sigh.

"We missed you too, Ashia," Rixie said as she snuggled up against me from the other side.

I smiled as I pulled them both close and let out a happy sigh; everything was perfect now that we were all together again. Today was all about relaxing, mostly. I still needed to meet with the Queens, but according to the scheduling, that meeting would Bee in the afternoon, so I had some time to just Bee cute with my girls.

"I love you both," I said as I nuzzled my face into Miku\'s neck and breathed in her sweet scent.

"We love you too, Ashia," they both replied in unison as they hugged me tightly.

"My Queen!" My Cat Dragons cried as they came flying into the room and landed beside the bed.

"Hello, my darlings," I said as they all meowed and crawled all over the girls and me. I had really missed their cuddles.

"Are you going on more adventures?" Tigra asked as she plopped herself between my chests eyes, and I scratched her blue fur, making her purr.

"No, I think we\'re just going to stay here for today," I said as the girls, and I relaxed in bed with our animal friends.

I knew that there would Bee more challenges to come, but for now, I was just happy to relax and enjoy the company of my harem.

"Ashia! Gamble has some questions for you that can\'t wait!" Pixie called over the intercom, then more started to come in.

"ASHIA! Are you awake?! Let\'s go check the gardens!" Miasma nearly screamed over the microphone.

"Let go of that, and stop yelling into it!" Messia demanded as I listened to them fight over the intercom and let out a long sigh.

"I guess my day of rest is over," I said as I pulled on a robe and walked out into the hallway where Messia, Hilda, DQ Bee, and the other girls were waiting for me. "What\'s going on?"

"Well," Messia started to say but got cut off.

"Ashia, there\'s a big problem in the east gardens!" Talli called.

"And the south gardens too! The flowers are all wilting and dying," Xani called after.

"And the north gardens...and the west gardens...pretty much all of them," Messia said with a long sigh. "We\'re not sure what\'s going on, but we need your help."

I just want to Bee at rest right now, but I have to help everyone, and Queen duties call. "Alright, let\'s go take a look," I said as we got out of my very comfortable bed.

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