Epic of Bee

Chapter 305 Mega Jump!

I tried out the charged attack a few more times and was satisfied with it, but it meant that I had to get pretty close to do damage. It was still really good, but I would have to be careful about ranged enemies. I headed to the next portal and ran in, and burst out onto a mountaintop plateau with two cannon-looking plants.

They fired four shots each at me in a spray, and I was forced to dodge them as I ran forward, but they fired again. My Health was knocked down again as I was hit by one of the shots, but I charged two attacks, and it died.

Unfortunately, I messed the timing up and got hit before I could stop and charge, and I was back standing in the first room.

"Stupid flowers are supposed to Bee a Bee\'s Bee-stfriend! Not mow me down like some cheap weeds!" I complained, but this was getting me nowhere fast. Even if I had not gotten hit in the elite room, the double rings were just as bad as the double arrows.

I walked over, looked at the hammer, and sighed. It was the only one that I hadn\'t tried yet, and it was a pretty big hammer. I looked over at the bladed ring, and it had a green edge on the inside, but I was not going to use that again.

[Melee Class Chosen]

[Select your first Powerup!]

The screen changed, and I sighed, but there was still a choice to make. I noticed that my Health was at 17/17 now, so that was a win, but the new choice was strange.

[Mega Jump 1]

[Thunder Wave 1]

[Increased Attack Radius 1]

The Mega Jump was an interesting idea and might come in handy, but the other two weren\'t bad either. Thunder Wave sounded like it would make a shockwave when I attacked, and the last seemed self-explanatory. In the end, I took Mega Jump because it was my first time seeing anything like that.

I tried to swing the hammer, and suddenly I was squealing as I was tossed into the air. The mega jump flung me way up, and then I brought the hammer smashing down, making a small wake that blasted out. It stood there for a moment, breathing heavily. That had scared the Royal Nectar right out of me! I looked at the hammer in my hand and groaned as I charged an attack.

This took five seconds, but I blasted a wake out when I jumped high into the air, and when I landed, the wake my hammer strike made was three times as big, spreading out to 6 feet. That could be useful, but it was a long charge. I would just have to see how this performed in battle, and the first room would be a good first test.

I walked over to the portal and took a deep breath as I walked in. The moment I was inside, I saw the bug and tried to swing at it.

Into the air, I went again, but across the beach to slam down on the bug, making it explode into black particles. That had worked we, but it meant I was always throwing myself into the enemies. Each one of the weapons seemed to have some kind of weakness, no matter how good it was. I was going to have to keep moving and make sure that I killed certain enemies first.

[Increased Attack Radius 1]

[Fire Strike 1]

[Ice Orb 1]

Considering what my attack was, having a bigger radius was probably the best bet, so I picked it. The other two were okay, but I could pick better things that synergized with my weapon.

I headed into the next room; the spoke monsters started to move, so I started to run; the moment they stopped and turned to shoot, I swung at one. I launched over the spikes and slammed in the first Spoke, and it exploded, but I started to move again until it stopped. I repeated the attack, and soon I was left with the path choices.

[<Elite Enemy Bonus]

[Power Bonus Plus>]

The elite enemy might change, but it was a pretty cool room. Still, I would be silly if I didn\'t try to go the other way at least once, so I took the Power Bonus Plus path. I prepared myself for a fight and burst through, but there was only a floating heart on the other side of a golden chest.

I walked over and touched the heart, and it exploded, but my Health was pushed up to 23/23! That was only two away from being about to take four hits without dying! If I could get another one of these, that would be crazy helpful, but now it was time to see what was in the chest. I opened it up, and the inside burst with light as I was given a powerup menu, but they were all increased by three levels!

[Poison Wave 4]

[Ice Strike 4]

[Fast Attack 4]

This was like opening three presents at Christmas but then being told you had to pick one to keep. Poison was a great one, but a fast attack would make me jump faster, while Ice would slow them. A faster attack would be good, but the level four Poison Wave worked well with the increased radius and the hit-and-run strategy I was planning to use.

I picked it up and attacked, slamming down on the ground with my hammer, and a 10-foot-wide green gas cloud burst from impact. Didn\'t know how much damage it would tick off or if it could be stacked, but the cloud made me smile as I walked over to the next room. This one would be the test for the hammer.

The moment I got in the room, I attacked, but I targeted the place behind the four Pigmen and slammed down as they turned to face me, but they were hit with the cloud. I jumped away and turned to see that the red Pigmen had all turned green. Each of them started to twitch as they started for me again, but I did the same move, getting behind them to blast with the cloud again, then making my escape. This time they shook more as she turned back but then they all burst into black particles.

"Get Gassed!" I laughed as I ran to the next room but stopped just outside the portal. I needed to have a plan for this one.

Last time I had been overwhelmed with how fast the plants had shot and the number of bullets. This time I was going to have to time it and use my gas to my advantage.

I ran into the room and kept going, waiting for the first spray of eight shots. The moment they shot, I attached the first and instantly did the same to the other before jumping back to where I started, just behind the first set of shots. The plants fired again, but at where I had been, and the two shot at each other but then died as the poison killed them both. I grinned, and a new powerup menu appeared.

[Poison Wave 5]

[Fire Strike 1]

[Fast Attack 1]

I took fast attack since it had been something that I had wanted to take before, and I was sure it would be a good skill going forward. I had finally made it to the halfway point, but these enemies were definitely tougher than the first run-through, and they were only going to get tougher in the next three after this one. The final Queen was probably going to Bee 100 levels, but then this arc of the Swarm Wars would be over, and we would be able to go back to creating a Bee-autiful kingdom!

I ran forward but gritted my teeth and attacked the massive green slime in the center of the room, and it split into four around me, but the poison killed them, and then they became sixteen! I jumped just before getting hit and slammed down, but they just split more, and I was bumped by a slime.

17/13 HP

I jumped again and again, and so the room was cleared, but not before I took another hit, bringing me down to 11/23. This was one of those rooms that worked against my weapon, but next time O would just have to stay in a corner and keep slamming the same spot.

Still, room six was done, but no level, so we would have to see what was behind door number seven!

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