Master Of Myths

Chapter 113 - Revealing An Ounce Of Truth

Still staring back at Ellis\'s eyes he blinked a few times, adjusting to being able to see once more before lifting himself off the bed

"Came after feeling me stir awake?"

"No I\'ve been watching over you for a while now"

Her answer didn\'t register with him immediately, it was only when he stretched enough did he realize she didn\'t come because of the emptiness assaulting her as he escaped that prison

"You have something to ask?"

He figured it to be the only other reason for her being in his room



He looked at her and she looked back without any intention of revealing a reason causing him to frown a little

"Well, spill it out, why are you here"

"Because it\'s my room?"

The bewildered look on his face was probably the reason for her way of revealing this, if anything the smirk on her face was more than enough proof of it

Seeing her enjoying the small victory he raised a brow but spoke no more, standing up stretching his legs instead before motoining her to follow

"Do you know where my room is?"

"Yes Master"

"Do the maids know of me sleeping in your room"

"No Master"

"Let\'s keep it that way, now lead the way"

"As you wish Master"

With an honest smile Ellis tried to sound as servile as she could, clearly trying to avoid spanking for the little prank she pulled a moment ago

Moving through the second floor the two soon arrived at two even larger double doors than the one for Ellis\'s room which they didn\'t dally in opening

This time it wasn\'t a simplistic room that greeted their sight but an expensively furnished room, from the carpet to the chandelier everything screamed luxury

\'Did they mix up our tastes perhaps?\'

He thought, this high profile room suited Ellis for sure, the woman was already walking around it curiously touching everything already

"Do you think I could refurbish my room like this too Master?"

"Why not"

Sure enough it was her style

"You can ask them to fit it to your taste since you will be residing in this housing for a while"

Ellis quickly turned her curious eyes back to him

"You won\'t be staying here too Master?"

Catching onto his use of you instead of we she feared being left all alone in this place

"I\'ve got things to do, in the meantime you and Anput will be staying at Hortus, oh and no one is to know of my departure, have them believe I am healing behind closed doors"

"How? I can\'t even understand them"

"I\'ll send someone to teach you in secret, while you\'re at it practice controlling energy with aura, I expect results by the time I return"

She nodded, fully intent on doing so even without his order

"Good, I\'ll be off then"

"Have a safe trip Master"

His figure vanished from her sight as she wished him safety, wherever he was going didn\'t concern her nor was she curious about it, if anything she was more than happy to finally get a break from travel and dangerous battles

\'I could finally sleep soundly on a soft bed\'

Something as simple as that became a luxury to be enjoyed, makes one wonder how much humanity had taken for granted

Around the vicinity of the newly built residence on the fifth floor, also making it the vicinity of the meeting hall, many drones were slowly moving about, their wide range covering every nook and cranny leaving nowhere to hide

One such drone was just about to rotate with its replacement when it stopped moving all of a sudden


Receiving the feedback from her drone Latvia moved the replacement\'s vision to lock onto the malfunctioned one only for her to see someone holding from the back, dragging it down and looking straight into its eye

\'What\'s this guy doing\'

Seeing the annoying creature waving at her with a happy smile splashed displeasure all over her face

\'He must be up to something, is it maybe because of the last incident?\'

Recalling the fallout between them she started to worry, if the guy still wanted to cause trouble after what he did then there would be no short way out of this

\'We have yet to receive punishment for last time too, I really hope he just wants to talk things out\'

With wishful thoughts she watched the man drag the drone around the giant flower, all the way to a side where he pushed at the bars causing a path to open allowing him entrance straight into the hall

"!!! Commander!"

Sprinting out of her surveillance room she rushed to inform the commander of his arrival before he could do anything unexpected, there was no telling what this man was really up to after all

Quickly traveling to the giant flower from her residence she rushed straight passed the guards who took a moment to process the event before chasing after her with a dumbfounded face


Entering the hall with a shout she looked around in alarm but found only two people conversing casually, up until her abrupt entrance that is

The two looked at the panicked woman with intrigue, one was Aminta and the second was none other than….

"What brings you here my friend"

Looking at the unbothered Verbrand she realized the man hasn\'t come through yet

"That man is-" "Halt General!"

The guards finally caught up after their moment of stupor, surrounding Latvia with whatever weapon they held

"Lower your weapons, she has something urgent to report"

Receiving the order from their commander the guards gave a salute before returning to their stations, they\'d guessed it was something like this else why would a general rush in, it was their duty however to prevent anyone from entering without being granted entrance first meaning punishment for allowing someone to slip in would surely come

Only when the doors to the hall closed again did Latvia start talking again

"YuJu used a-" "Boo!" "-Ah!?"

Cutting her off with a scare YuJu chuckled lightly at the shocked general\'s reaction

"I ask again, what brings you here my friend"

Verbrand asked once more only this time clearly addressing YuJu rather than the confused Latvia

"Well, I am here to report my sudden need for leave"

"Why come stealthily if so?"

"I didn\'t want anyone to know of my absence you see"

"You, care to explain why you used an emergency exit to enter?"

Latvia couldn\'t stay silent no more and questioned from the side, much to YuJu\'s amusement

"But I didn\'t, I came here with you"

"? What are you saying I clearly saw you opening the exit"

"From the outside yes but I couldn\'t open it from the inside without getting attacked by Aminta and Verbrand now could I?"

It was only now that she understood what happened

"You used me as a distraction to sneak in!?"

He chuckled some more seeing how fuming she was about it, a cough from Verbrand however brought the two to silence

"Enough with shenanigans, tell us why you\'re so eager to have a secret audience with the commander, who you should start addressing as so"

"Well, it\'s not the secret audience per se, it\'s the scene that I wanted to cause"


"The scene where you suddenly call Verbrand realizing someone opened the secret exit and where Latvia comes rushing through"

Aminta and Latvia both frowned and Verbrand, while still expressionless, started to emit heat

"What games are you playing, and spare me the hidden reasons rubbish"

There seemed to be no way out of this without spilling some beans out, not that he wanted to keep silent anyway

"It\'s the perfect guise for my \'sickened\' state I\'ll have the others believe, cant have the Genus Insania know of my return to earth, or as you call it the Blue Gem, else they might cause my race some trouble"

This time it was Latvia who replied with a threatening tone

"Are you saying someone is surveilling us under my watch?!"

It was unknown whether she was angry at his accusation, the possibility of it being true, or a mix of the two

"Of course not, if that was the problem I would just evade their sight when entering, no?"

This put the boiling rage out, at least until his next words

"I\'m saying there is a mole in our midst"


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