Classless Ascension

Chapter 384 Serene Tranquil Monastery

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

Somewhere relatively near Metropolis-C stood a mountain called the tranquil ridge. 

Like any mountain, it was renowned for one thing: for white peeps getting lost. Seriously how come so many people with 0 sense of direction suddenly picked up hiking? It was very perplexing. 

But, there was actually something special about that specific mountain. If one were to adopt a bird\'s eye and fly straight above it, one would find a tiny valley hidden between rocky walls. 

In there resided an old monastery, one as old as time itself, or so the legend said. It was the one and only Serene Tranquility Monastery.

Technically there were many such monasteries across the world. But, as far as they were concerned, they were the true inheritor of the legacy. 

In a small destitute courtyard, an old man with a beard and head of snow was peacefully meditating. But suddenly, he was shaken awake with a deep sigh, one as old as the world itself. 

He glanced upward with eyes that seemed to contain the mysteries of the universe itself. The world was changing. He could feel it in his bones.

Then again, the plane flying above their monastery with a huge underwear advertisement banner was also a good indication of such changes. Once upon a time, this place had been so very peaceful. 

But now, everything was different, and not for the better. It was tumultuous, full of undercurrents, and Towers were spawning all over, temping the youngsters into a life of adventure.

Once more, the old man sighed deeply. He was the one in charge of this monastery, he was its keeper, he was….often getting bothered because of it. There was already someone at his door. 

"Wise elder Hao, come quickly! Something is happening out there!" 

The man sighed another time, slowly rose, and walked forward, shaking the snow accumulated on his immobile body. What was it going to be this time? 

Last time, a newcomer had brought a launcher to the monastery and had been trying to shoot down the annoying planes that buzzed above them. 

The time before, the mischievous goat Sally had escaped its pen, making them search for it for three days and three nights, only to realize it had been hiding in the kitchen. 

Then before that, it had been an issue of funding if he remembered correctly. In any case, it likely would be another bothering problem. 

The one who had called for him, brother Ethan, promptly guided the way forward. He tried to explain a few times excitingly, but Hao simply waved his hand casually, reminding him to keep his cool. 

After all, they were the Serene Tranquility Monastery, not the get excited about every little thing that happens fun club! 

"Ah…I understand, elder!" He took a few deep breaths, shutting up and bringing the wise man toward a large shared courtyard— well, large by their standards. 

Many brothers were assembled. They wore boring brown outfits made to resist the cold here. But the clothes weren\'t everything to a monk. Sadly many were excitingly pointing toward the horizon.  <br/><script>ChapterMid();</script>

"Stay calm and be serene." The old man grunted as they obediently settled down. 

Turning his gaze toward the sky, the old man saw a trail of fire. He could feel the eyes of the youngsters resting upon him. 

What were they even expecting of him?! He took a deep and unfathomable look as he gazed at the horizon. 

"A meteor right now is good news. It means great luck." He slowly uttered. 

They all nodded in understanding. Well, all except one. 

"Eh…elder, I\'m pretty sure that\'s a flying car going down in flames. Should we check if there are survivors?" A youngster asked. 

Many looked at him perplexed. Damn, couldn\'t he have said that it was a ship before?! Then again, why should they care? They were the Serene Tranquility Mountain, not the Serene Tow Truck Mountain!

Plus, cars nowadays all had an emergency GPS tracker. By the time they went down the mountain to help, it would likely be rescued already. 

"I meant a metaphorical meteor, young one." The old man wisely said. He wasn\'t going to admit that his eyesight was terrible! 

The surrounding youngsters were either showing looks of confusion or were doing their best to look enlightened. What was there to understand there? 

"Ah?! Wow! You can even find profound wisdom in such an event?! I\'m so glad I joined this place!" The youngster with the sharp gaze and the loud mouth thundered. 

"Please remember that this is Serene Tranquility Monastery, not Shouting Monastery." The old man reminded, looking extremely composed. 

Many paused, remembering where they were and their purpose. They were here to get rid of their troubled emotions, to become unfettered, to lose their attachment to the world. 

"Now, shall we meditate?" The old man softly murmured, with the many disciples nodding in agreement. 

They drew a circle in the snow and promptly began to meditate. 

This trick always worked to make them all shut up. For some reason, they seemed to think that this exercise he had come up with on a whim was a sacred exercise of their faith. 

Honestly, one could be serene and peaceful anywhere and everywhere. They did have a divinity they worshiped, but he was possibly the most easygoing and peaceful god of them all. 

All they had to do was remain calm and reject the mundane world. 

In fact, the line between what was tradition and what was a result of their faith was increasingly blurry, especially after the great fire that had destroyed most of their records. 

But even then, none of it mattered. As long as they remained composed, everything would be alright. 

Snow began to fall, snowflakes falling on their immobile bodies. 

Many shivered with their teeth clattering as they turned toward Elder Hao. They couldn\'t help but breathe cold air, noticing his stance. He truly was the perfect role model for them all! 

He sat in the deadly cold, unbothered by the elements. Would he even move if struck with lightning? He truly was phenomenal! Would they ever reach such a level themselves? 

Only time would tell. Hell, even the seniors didn\'t hold a candle to him! 

The old man remained there, at peace, his faith strong and his body still affected by the many painkillers he had taken earlier. 

It had been to deal with the pain of old age, but it worked just as well for enduring the cold. He actually wouldn\'t feel his legs anymore, but so what. 

Elder Hao had a deeply guarded secret: he was a sham. 

Him keeping his composure? He had once been a professional poker player. His facial muscles had never recovered. Hell, he had joined the monastery after his wife left him because he never smiled. 

His profound wisdom? As long as he remained composed enough, he was confident he could make them find "wisdom" in a house cat\'s asshole! It was just how most were: easily impressionable. 

His profound knowledge of their faith? He actually knew quite a lot, even if he himself wasn\'t sure what was pertinent amongst all that. But he had never felt enlightenment himself. 

Outwardly, he really looked like a competent Monastery elder, the eldest and wisest of them all. But really, all he knew was to keep the charade going. 

He could only hope that the teachings he perpetuated would eventually allow someone to achieve the state of serenity that was once described in the old manuscripts. 

In any case, he was just sitting in the fucking snow. 

The courtyard sure was peaceful, the wind sure was freezing, and he would likely catch a cold, but it would be worth it just to motivate the youngsters. 

But just as they were meditating, a voice resounded in the courtyard. It was a young one full of barely contained excitement.

"Hey, you all! Are you there? I\'m back!" A youngster thundered. 

The monks in the courtyards all opened their eyes wide in shock as they glanced at one another. Who was this? Judging by his tone, the person seemed familiar with the place. 

Yet they saw the same confusion in the others\' eyes. 

Could it be that a traveler was messing with them? It still was very peculiar. After all, they barely ever received any visitors. 

Well, there would be pilgrims coming a few times a year, but not now nor with such an attitude. There really wasn\'t anything here besides a monastery. So why was he here? 

That\'s when a man\'s energetic figure suddenly revealed itself. He was dressed in a black suit one would see the city folks wear and looked so very out of place there. 

Wait, he wasn\'t actually alone! 

Behind him followed a youngster with fiery hair that seemed way too jovial. There was also a green giant?! Actually, what the fuck was that?! This guy looked like a deadly beast! 

They couldn\'t help but shiver from fright. These guys had to be Climbers, right?! What would such people even want here?! It didn\'t make any sense! There was no Tower anywhere near! 

They should have been heading to a Metropolis, not coming here to waste their time! The whole situation made them all so uncomfortable! 

But that\'s when old man Hao finally opened his eyes. 

He still showed the same calm and composure as always as he gazed at the hulking creature that everyone was gawking at. Except he quickly realized who the leader was in the small group. 

There stood an ordinary-looking young man that was just wearing a gray suit. He didn\'t seem to be affected by the cold at all. He was even examining him back with a smile, one that seemed to see through him. 

He felt like sighing, but he didn\'t: 

"Welcome to this humble Serene Tranquility Monastery. What brings you here, benefactor?" Elder Hao amiably asked. 

The surrounding monks couldn\'t help but give their leader a thumbs up. Even now, he still looked as chill as an ice cube! 

But that\'s when the youngster who had appeared first stepped forward. 

"Old man, it\'s me! Don\'t you remember?! I guess I bulked up quite a bit and all, haha!" The man laughingly scratched his head. 

Old man Hao focused on him, slowly figuring out his identity, his eyes bulging out as he did.

His face turned pale, he shook in fright, and pointed at the man as if a revenant! 

"Oh god! No fucking way! It\'s YOU?! What the hell are you doing here?! Leave before this entire mountain freaking crumbles!!! Please! Haven\'t you caused enough destruction already?!"

The followers watched their once cool and composed leader completely freak out. What the fuck?! 

They couldn\'t help but gaze at the youngster in utter shock. Who the hell was he?!….


[A/N] Thanks to cbyrd_18 for sponsoring the novel!  I really can\'t miss an upload this month now!

And we\'re back! I\'m sure you guys saw the announcement about RPP. I was temporarily busy with that.

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