The Sage of Einar

Chapter 267 - The Death Of Luis The Bald

Gerd, who was using a ballista, reduced his breathing and shot a gigantic stone, which destroyed a good part of the Viking Drakkar that began to sink into the cold Baltic Sea.

"The Drakkar on the left side is sunk how you carry your side, Gautier."

Gautier, who had a more careless beard, aimed his bow and feeling that he would not miss his shot released his arrow which pierced the neck of a Viking.

Which fell into the sea, where it sank under the weight of its armor.

"I would love to be able to use a ballista to kill these bloody heathens, but sadly I can only use my bow.

When these attacks can end, we haven\'t been able to get adequate rest in days. "

Oleg, who was listening to the Duke and Praetorian Guard, just started laughing as he set fire to a Viking Drakkar.

Using a Greek fire launcher, "I told you this trip would be a test of sanity, more Drakkars we destroy, the tribes will send warriors to fight.

For they consider our ships as something commanded by the gods, a kind of test to win the right to Valhalla.

We Nordics take challenges very seriously, so without realizing it, we have become a meat grinder.

The best we can do is pray to god and beg for his blessing, so that we can get out of this place alive.

Well, our weapons are dangerous and destructive but at this rate in a month or two we will run out of ammunition.

We have to keep moving forward, to reach the northern fjords. I know that the priests and missionaries wanted to stay in this place, but there is no safe place.

If we stay an extra day, we will reduce our ability to survive, not to mention that we are close to the strait where the main base of the kingdom of Denmark is located.

We have to save ammunition so we can get through that place. "

Guido, who was reloading the ballista, nodded as he placed a stone on the ballista.

"I agree with that idea, although we have the sacred mission of being able to carry religion, our main mission is to find Kassia."

Grimacing, Guido aimed at another Drakkar and fired the ballista, this time the stone piercing two Vikings before destroying the departing ship.

Guido then sighed and stretched his arms "I think that was the last one on my side, now I think we can rest a bit before the next match."

Gautier, who was massaging his hand, looked at Oleg "How many dead do we have?"

Oleg became serious "This attack cost us three lives of our crew until we leave this place we will not be able to know the exact number of deaths in the other ships.

Although considering that they are disposable, we can only worry that they do not die fast enough.

Since then I would not like to be in this place with no kind of support, as I said before in these lands the weak are devoured and not even the bones remain. "

Gautier stroked his nose "Whatever it is, let the corpses be thrown into the sea, after receiving the missionaries\' prayers.

I will try to get some sleep that I was on duty all night, Guido takes care of the ship with Oleg. I am too old for these emotions. "

When he saw Gautier enter the interior of the ship, Guido could only laugh and began to help accommodate the corpses of his companions.

After two days of sailing and only receiving a few sporadic attacks from the Vikings, Oleg gathered everyone outside the ship.

"According to the stars that we used in my tribe when we had to go through the Danish islands where they make the checkpoints.

We will arrive in the morning at the checkpoint where possibly the biggest naval battle we can imagine is waiting for us.

I ordered that ballistas and ammunition be placed throughout the ship to be prepared, but you must know that this battle will be a massacre.

We can only finish them off with an overwhelming defense. Using the flags, I transmitted the message to the other ships. "

Gauiter, who was visibly tired, could only breathe deeply as he crossed his arms.

"Since death is near, I think it would be wise for the missionaries to pray for our victory this morning.

I think that is the only thing that can raise everyone\'s morale, although I would love to be able to do something else like offer land.

It is possible that when we return, my son will already be the duke, so I cannot take any oath if I do not know that I will retain power. "

Guido looked at his friend with a smile "I don\'t think the princess is so heartless as to punish you like that, although Ludovico is something else entirely.

Good thing we\'re both on his side during this civil war. I wonder what he\'s doing right now. "

Ludovico, who was looking at a scroll, only dropped a few tears while with his hand he threw everything around him.

"Those damn Vikings. This time they did it big. I want all the engineers to get ready I want this castle to be completely destroyed in the morning.

We have to get to Parisii as fast as we can; the situation is critical and now who is about to enter the city are the Vikings.

That they killed my stupid son. I do not want excuses. If tomorrow this castle is not on fire, I will cut off everyone\'s head. "

A few hours ago at Luis\'s siege camp, the soldiers were celebrating as they had finished building two land bridges.

Around the city river, with those bridges, it would only be a matter of time until the siege towers were ready.

So they could launch an attack on the already weak capital, in which they have not stopped throwing stones, corpses and arrows with fire to destroy the morale of the city.

Not to mention that at night a large group of soldiers do not stop making noises and shooting arrows to prevent the defenders from sleeping.

The celebrations were a measure made by Duke Luis the bald who decided to do that to raise the morale of the soldiers.

In addition, it did not cost him anything because all the wine was stolen from the houses of nobles and merchants who abandoned their properties.

Due to his arrogance, Luis was not worried about not having lookouts guarding the camp, because he knew that in the city of Parisii there were no soldiers to launch an attack.

While his father\'s forces were still 50 kilometers from the capital, fighting a castle of a rebellious count.

What he did not know is that during the night down the Seine River, a fleet of Viking Drakkars was approaching.

All of them were the elite fleets of the kingdom of Denmark, which on the orders of their queen had headed towards the capital of the empire to launch an attack.

Because they had heard from some Jewish merchants that the city and the attackers were weak.

In total, the fleet had more than 6000 Vikings, warriors and slaves who were ready to steal and destroy everything in their path.

While advancing on the Seine at night, they encountered a blockage in the river by a land bridge, so they started coming down from the Drakkars.

The first Vikings who came down searched the place and realized that the attackers\' camp had no defenses and the soldiers were completely drunk and asleep.

The expedition leader gave the order that everyone remove their armor and prepare to assassinate all Christian soldiers.

In just one hour everyone was ready so they began their advance through the enemy camp, killing soldier by soldier who can\'t do anything to save their lives.

In just half an hour they killed over 40,000 soldiers, who could not defend themselves because they were not prepared. They also captured an absurd number of enemies.

It was only when they were reaching the end of the camp that some guards gave notice of the attack, but it was too late to do anything.

Ludovico, who wanted to escape, got up from his bed and ignored the women on his bed because he wanted to get to his horse.

To his bad luck, when he left his hut, a horse on fire attacked him, causing his skull and other bones to be crushed by that furious horse.

One soldier who saw the death of the duke shouted the duke had died, so chaos seized the troops who only wanted to get out of that place.

In Parisii, the defenders who were watching everything only gulped and sent messengers to the palace where the princess was.

For his part, the leader of the Vikings Sigurd Ring, a ruthless man, ordered to clean the battlefield.

While the slaves should continue the work of the captured engineers to build the siege towers.

From what he had heard from some captives, Emperor Ludovico\'s army should arrive in a week or two if the castles along the way do battle.

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