Harem Overlord

Chapter 126 The Land Of Death And Life(Chapter Preview)

[ I talked to Aizza, the spirit of life ] Kai said to Risea and Sahara as all of them were standing sitting together.

The other girls were waiting for Kai to tell them anything so Kai quickly told Sahara and Risea about his interaction with Aizza. They nodded a little as Kai stood up and looked at all his girls sitting below him.

"We are currently inside my pendant but you might have already figured that out so let\'s talk about the realm we landed on. It\'s the realm of elves and you will only find elves on this realm. Elves look exactly like humans but they have pointed ears and sharp teeth. Other than that, they have a much higher level of elemental energy than other species and are the best at using the elements around them so we should be wary of them." Kai explained as they nodded.

"Now let me tell you about the elven realm. It has two continents in the center which you have already seen. The two continents are known as the land of dead and the land of life. Other than that, they are five other continents on the elven realm and all of them except one continent are in a pair of two. They are all named after the elements and are in this order – the land of fire and wind are together while the land of earth and lightning are together.

Since the realm has plenty of water, the land of water is the most fearsome continent. The ruler of the elven world also resides in the land of water which is like the capital of the realm instead of a capital of a city, Every continent except the water one is only filled with people having the same element. For example – you will only find fire using elves on the land of fire.

The continent of water however has all kinds of elves since it is the capital. The lands of death and life also have this but they have another rule. Only men are allowed in the land of death while only women are allowed in the land of life. Every continent worships an elemental ruler and while we were on the land of death, I sensed the aura of Hela, who Is the elemental ruler of death.

And at last, the elves have a rule that the strong can do anything to the weak. The strong can choose to marry anyone they like but if the other person is stronger than them, they can decline him or her. So when we will go out, act strong." Kai finished his explanation and the entire place plunged into silence.

"So they are like brutes." Kiana asked as Kai nodded.

"You can call them that." Kai said as he glanced away.

"The previous elven ruler tried her best to modernize the elves a little but hardly anyone listened to her. Some even started hating her and cursed her daughter though I healed her and got her thanks for that." Kai said with a smile as he remembered his past.

"But now, we are on the land of the death which is one of the most dangerous continents on the entire elven realm. The elves leaving there are all men that have dark elements. And they also have the spirit of death with them and that makes them even more dangerous." Kai warned them.

"If all of them have a dark element, then why is their continent named the land of death?" Kiana observed as Mariel and Levina\'s faces darkened.

"Originally, the seven elemental rulers didn\'t include the spirit of dark and light. They actually consisted of the spirit of death and life but they were too strong and couldn\'t maintain the necessary balance. So they were replaced with the spirits of light and dark." Kai explained as the others slowly started standing up.

"Remember to stay close to me since anything can happen." Kai said one last time before he teleported all of them out of the pendant.

They appeared on the same bare field as Kai sensed Hela\'s aura in the far north. Before anyone could do anything, Kai took a deep breath and teleported them away.

They appeared on what looked like a small idea as Kai slumped down on the sandy floor as he took some deep breaths.

"The lands of death and life don\'t have an island or any other place near them so I had to teleport us to an island that was thousands of kilometers away." Kai explained as he stood up and brushed the sand off his clothes.

"Alright, guys. We are sleeping here today and you guys need a lot of rest after that travel. You look as though you are a zombie forcefully awakened from your eternal slumber." Kai chuckled at his own bad joke and took out some beds for everyone to sleep.

He wanted to cultivate with them but he realized that his earlier statement was actually true. All of them were actually tired from the trip and since many of them had their first inter-realm travel, it was good for them to get some rest.

As the others settled in for the night, Kai decided to take a walk on the ocean. His feet tapped on the water as he walked on it while looking at the two moons that hung together in the sky.

"Our revenge also begins from here onwards." Kai said to himself as he looked at his reflection in the water.

One of the people he had remembered seeing in the group of people who had massacred his harem was the sister of the elven ruler. She had been jealous that her sister had gotten the crown and was using it to make changes instead of doing things the traditional way.

She had complained about it to the ministers of the empire but it was a futile attempt since she was too weak to become a ruler. But she had a cunning mind, something her sister lacked.

So when she saw an opportunity to remove her sister and her daughter from the throne, she of course lunged at it with open hands. If Kai had to guess, he would say that she was already using her authority as a ruler to reinstate some of the old laws that her sister had abolished.

As the night passed away, Kai and the group were sitting on the beach with thoughtful expressions. Since the elven kingdom had so many contents, they couldn\'t decide on which continent to visit first.

"This is taking too long. I have decided that we are going to the land of the life." Kai said as the others stared at him in confusion.

"Didn\'t you say that it was an exclusive all-women continent?" Kiana asked as Kai smiled.

"Both the land of death and land of life have special barriers around them which prevent the opposite gender from entering the continent. But I have the blessing of the spirit of life and I can easily enter it." Kai explained as Kiana nodded.

"And I am sure that you cultivated with all those women on the continent." Watanabe said jokingly but Kai\'s smile widened.

"Remember my record of cultivating with 80 million women?" Kai asked the older members of his harem as their eyes were full of disbelief.

"You entered a continent where men aren\'t allowed and then cultivated with all the women with all the women on that continent." Mia said in disbelief as Kai nodded.

"Now that we are going there, I have to tell you all about some things that I forgot to mention earlier. On the mortal realm, I was the strongest person in the entire realm but here, there are plenty of people stronger than me. But what really matters is that I don\'t have to hide since even if these people know that I am alive, the news can\'t travel out of this realm." Kai explained as some of them were confused.

"Why is that?" Yui asked but Kai didn\'t answer her.

"It\'s because, after the destruction of the fairy realm, the elves were afraid that they were next. Elves are after all a race of the fairy species but they left their entire race on the fairy realm and started a realm of their own. But since they were afraid, they sealed their entire realm with so powerful formations that no one could enter or exit the realm." Mariel answered instead of Kai as he nodded.

"Even though I wasn\'t about to destroy the elven realm, they were still afraid of me. I feel bad that they had to seal their borders up because of that." Kai said as the girls from the mortal realm stared at him.

"You destroyed an entire realm?! Why?" They asked as Kai smiled.

"Because they thought that kidnapping Risea would be fun." He said with a dangerous grin and the others went silent.

"And with that. Let\'s go to the land of life." Kai said as he teleported them away.

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