Harem Overlord

Chapter 59 All Of You Will Die At The Hands Of The Thing You Worship(Chapter Preview)

Hello readers. This is the author here and I have successfully rewritten the entire novel. I changed many things in the first 10 or so chapters but after that, I only had to correct the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. I just want to thank you all for patiently waiting and I am happy to say that there will be daily uploads from now on. I hope you continue reading this novel. Let\'s start the chapter.


The entire royal family was gathered in the dining hall where a huge dining table stretched on with twenty chairs, eighteen of which were occupied. Mariel was sitting at the head of the table and a familiar person was standing behind her.

,m It was none other than elder Jin. When Jin saw Kai walking up to the table, he suddenly froze.

"What\'s wrong, Jin?" Mariel said as she frowned at his sudden reaction.

"I am well associated with him. In fact, he even kicked me once when I was investigating the CIA." Kai said with a malicious grin before he appeared in front of Jin.

He punched him in the stomach with full force and Jin flew back like a doll as he crashed on the wall. Jin\'s body slumped down on the ground and he plunged into unconsciousness.

"Why did you do that?" Mariel shouted as guards approached Kai.

"Relax. He is just unconscious. I will wake him up." Kai said with a yawn and snapped his fingers.

Jin\'s eyes flew open and he stood up as he brushed the dust off his clothes. He then stared at Kai, the others following his example also stared at him.

"The score\'s settled." He said with a smile and took one of the two empty seats. Mia also reached forward and took the chair beside him.

The table was full of delicious food and Kai picked up some spiritual meat for himself. This meat was from spiritual beasts and it increased a little bit of your cultivation.

He delicately eats it while Mia picked up some ice cream for herself while Mariel smiled at them.

She had poisoned every single item on the table and every member of the royal family present there had taken the antidote before eating the food. She was now waiting for Kai and Mia to be paralyzed as the poison she used numbed every part of their body below their neck.

But nothing happened and Kai and Mia ate to their hearts\' content. After that, both of them stood up before Kai snapped his fingers and everyone inside the palace was teleported outside.

"That\'s for poisoning our food." He said with a grin and conjured a ball of black flame. He threw it at the palace and it burned down to nothing.

Gasps were heard everywhere as the royal palace burned down to and people stared at Kai and Mia.

"You really thought I wouldn\'t find out about that poison and other than that, I owe you guys for welcoming me on this planet." Kai said while he appeared behind Mariel.

He touched her forehead and she fell unconscious. He then teleported back to stand beside Mia.

"I will kill you." Elder Jin went into rage mode when he saw Kai holding Mariel and he and the others attacked him.

But Kai didn\'t even bat an eye in their direction as he snapped his fingers. Every single person present there froze on their spot.

He then teleported Mia, Mariel, and himself back to the space gate while the people of the southern continent unfroze.

Elder Jin remembered that Kai and the others had come from the western continent and he flew towards the portal with the other royal guards following him.

But they wouldn\'t be able to catch up with the trio as they were already at the space gate.

"What are you going to do to her?" Mia asked as she stared as she stared at the swirling black corrupted space gate.

"I have to use the True Mind pill on her so that she could recover her memories but the last time I created it, I fell unconscious for four months. It will take me eight whole months before I will be able to create another one." Kai sighed. He suddenly remembered the Luck consuming seal that was sealing Mia\'s memories.

He then touched Mariel\'s forehead and was surprised to see that her memories were blocked by a different seal.

"One week seal. It\'s a seal that can be broken if a person doesn\'t cultivate for a week." He said and smiled at Mia who understood what he meant.

They only had to keep Mariel asleep for a week and her memories would return. After that, they entered the space gate.

The black creature once again tried to attack them but it was once again defeated by Kai. The trio landed on the western continent and Kai teleported back to the sect.

"I will come back after a few days." Kai suddenly said to Mia before he teleported back to the space gate, leaving her behind with a confused expression.

She then remembered that Kai had said that he would destroy the space gate after their return. She just sighed and took the unconscious Mariel to her house.

Whereas Kai appeared on the southern continent through the space gate. He scanned at the massive army coming towards him Elder Jin was leading the army and he had a high-tier divine grade sword with him. The army only consisted of Jin\'s loyal followers.

"You are pretty brave to come here alone. We will first kill you and then attack the western continent." Jin said with an evil grin as he thought Kai was stupid.

"I could kill you all with a snap of my fingers but since you influenced Mariel so much, all of you will die at the hands of the thing you worship." Kai said in a cold tone as Jin gasped.

He had found out that Jin and his little group of followers were the ones who had killed the previous king and queen. The ancestor of the southern continent died when the Vermillion Bird chose Mariel.

After that, the royal family became a little vulnerable and Jin struck at that moment. He influenced Mariel to do many things including forcing her to poison Kai and Mia\'s food.

Because of this, Kai was angry at Jin and his followers. He summoned Sera and let her open her wings freely.

Jin and his followers gasped loudly when they saw that Kai had the Vermillion Bird with him. He took out his black sword and touched Sera with it.

She was completely swallowed by the sword and the sword started burning with hot orange flames.

Kai swung the sword in a horizontal arc as flames shot out of it. Flames danced around in a circle as they struck the nearest group of cultivators.

They burned alive as the army started to move backward. But Kai didn\'t let them walk away as he released Sera from the sword.

She burst forth with her shining orange wings as flame danced around her body. She lurched forward with her wings spread out.

Cultivators turned to ash as soon as the wings touched their bodies. Tornadoes made of fire sprung up as Sera released a battle cry.

Terrified cultivators were runnings around, screaming their heads off. Sera and Kai suddenly stopped everything as their eyes started to glow.

Blue flames surrounded Sera\'s body and Kai\'s usual black flames surrounded his hands. They threw flames at the enemies and huge walls made from their flames surrounded their enemies.

The flames started to close upon themselves and the cultivators inside burned to death.

He however let Jin escape from the fore walls and he watched his followers burn to death. He lost his mind and attacked Kai.

Kai blocked the sword attack with his own sword and Jin\'s sword shattered. He was so shocked to see that a divine-grade treasure broke so easily.

Kai flicked his finger and a cut appeared on Jin\'s face.

"Ling Chi, also known as death by a thousand cuts. It\'s a bloody way of execution where the person is killed because of numerous cuts on their body. It\'s a painful way to die and you will experience it first hand. The only difference is that I will cut you ten thousand times." He said to a confused-looking Jin and flicked his finger at Jin.

Numerous cuts started to appear on his body and Jin screamed in agony. For the next half an hour, Jin continued to scream before he finally died after a thousand cuts appeared on his body.

Kai snapped his fingers and the remains disappeared. He dismissed Sera before looking at the corrupted space gate.

He entered the space gate and stared at the black creature who was glaring at him. He snapped his fingers and every exit in the space gate closed upon itself.

"You will help me break through to the imperial spirit realm." Kai said with a grin and moved forward.

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