The Sage of Einar

Chapter 121 - Inside The Tunnels

Cornelio, who was walking through the wet cave that he had entered, frowned because in the place there was a very strong aroma of stagnant water.

"Walk very carefully because we do not know what we are going to find in this place, and if the water is stagnant, it can only mean that this tunnel is possibly closed in some way."

Dean was quite desperate with the words that Cornelius had said because for some time he has not stopped hearing strange noises that come from all the dark places of those caves.

"Yes, it is true what you say and the cave somehow has no way out how long we will have to get out of this damn place."

Cornelius, who felt the anger in the duke, just shook his head and paused for a moment.

"We will take as long as we have to, so from the beginning, I warned you that this place was full of strange things that I can\'t even explain.

If this path has no way out, then we will only turn around to go back through our steps.

Of course, you also have the option of taking a path on your own, but as I have told you before in this place, that means death. "

When he finished saying those words, Cornelius continued walking through the cave and after a few minutes, his worst suspicions came true.

Because where the path was supposed to be the cave had collapsed, making it impossible to pass.

Not to mention that a small pool of water had been made in the place, which was completely green, but that is not what caught everyone\'s attention.

In those stones of the collapsed tunnel, everyone could see that countless skeletons seemed to be trapped for a long time in that place.

Cornelius stared at the skeletons which had armor that he could recognize and with some anger hit the wall of the cave.

"I think I know why this is skeleton they are here if it is supposed that this was a path that had an exit."

Turning around, he motioned for everyone to follow him as he recalled part of the past.

"Months after the conquest of this city by Emperor Charlemagne and after the failed revision of these tunnels.

A Saxon nobleman rebelled against the empire and began to attack everything that will be crossed, it is assumed that the then in charge of the city guard along with some emperor\'s troops went out to hunt him down.

At that time, I, who was in the guard of the north gate, could feel after a week a slight tremor in the city.

After this, that Saxon nobleman or the troops that were sent to assassinate him were never seen again, but when they saw the armor that those skeletons had.

I\'m sure those are their corpses, probably at some point that noble Saxon faced them in this place.

Although the real question is what they did to be able to collapse the cave. "

Chaplain Amis who was quite upset grabbed his crucifix and looked with some fear at the dark path.

"I… I remember that I could also feel that trembling years ago, though from what I heard back then.

It was said that the Saxon nobleman had been captured months later by the emperor\'s elite and due to the disappearance of so many troops it was decided to hide the matter.

I only remember part of what I read in a report that was addressed to Bishop Prisco but to think that those soldiers would have their resting place in this place.

Dean when we get back you must order a little burial ceremony for those corpses.

Of course, as a chaplain, I cannot do such an action, but I believe that priest Travis will be able to do it. "

Dean who was angry hit Chaplain Amis on the shoulder who only endured the pain.

"If it weren\'t for your being a good confidant of the bishop, I swear I would kill you for trying to use my duke\'s power to kill a priest.

But I promise you that ceremony is going to take place and you are going to preside over it if you don\'t keep silent at this damn moment ... "

Dean\'s voice was interrupted when a slight tremor could be felt, and in front of them, the cave began to collapse.

Dodging all the stones that Cornelius could, he gave the order for everyone to run backward as the cave was collapsing.

Everyone ran with all their strength except for one of the soldiers who were accompanying him because he ended up tripping and the stones that fell from the cave ended up killing him.

When the shaking and the stones stopped falling, Cornelio gave an angry cry and ran to Dean.

Because none of the soldiers were prepared, they couldn\'t stop Cornelius from punching Dean in the face, causing Dean to hit his head for hitting the cave wall.

Taking advantage of the little time he had before he was separated or killed, Cornelio was able to punch Dean three times in the face.

"Damn idiot, you had to scream in this place, because of you we are all doomed ..."

Cornelio could not say more words because a sword pierced his back, causing him to lose the ability to speak, so in the last effort, he spat some blood on Dean\'s face while he moved his lips.

\'You\'re screwed…\'

It was the only thing Dean could understand when he read Cornelio\'s lips, as the lifeless corpse fell at his feet.

"Duke, you are fine or require some help."

Dean, who was recovering his consciousness a bit, wiped the blood from his face and began to kick Cornelio\'s corpse with all his might.

"Dare to hit a goddamn commoner duke.

I swear that if I can get out of this place and your stupid family is not dead yet, I will take care of making her suffer and I will not allow them to die! "

After beating the corpse for quite some time, Dean took one of his soldiers\' swords and cut off Cornelius\'s head.

"Take this head and do not lose it, I will take care of taking it as a souvenir to the family of this damned commoner.

They will have to see the head of the cause of their misery all their lives, and they will only be able to curse it until they are allowed to die. "

After this Dean sat on the ground and tried to calm down because he felt that angry he could not think of a solution to be able to leave that place.

"Chaplain Amis, if I\'m not mistaken there are five tunnels behind us which have written warnings.

But if I can remember from one of them, there seems to be a very small gust of air. "

The chaplain who was already completely stressed nodded his head "It was in the penultimate tunnel that we went back, but you\'re sure it\'s a good idea.

Maybe we can move these stones and make a way back, I don\'t think there is a lot of debris as only part of the cave collapsed. "

Dean looked at the stones that were blocking the way and shook his head.

"The amount of food and water we have is not too much, if we stay in this place and start working, we may run out of some of our supplies.

Also, remember that we have limited torches so unless you have a way to start a fire without wood.

We have to start moving. The only good thing was that this stupid commoner kept talking about his adventures and about the dangers in these caves.

That we can at least take some precautions as we move forward, just take it upon yourself to pray that God allows us to get out of this damn place. "

Dean then got up from the ground and taking a torch pointed to one of the soldiers "You will go to the front and take very carefully that stupid crow that is our only guarantee of knowing if there is one that can kill us."

The soldier nodded and began to walk, illuminated only by the dim light of the torch in his hand.

Everyone at that moment followed him in silence. As they walked they could hear some strange noises that came from the darkness of the cave.

But despite this, they kept walking because their fear of the unknown was less than their fear of dying in that place.

Upon reaching the cave they had spoken about, they felt a very small flow of cold air, so following the soldier they entered that cave.

As they got into that cave, they could see how there were some rusty iron tools on the ground.

Which at the beginning were small roasts and spikes, but as they advanced, they could see hundreds of swords and arrowheads that were completely useless.

"This place seems to have been used as a temporary weapons store."

Walking slowly towards one of the many swords on the ground, Dean crouched down and looked at it in more detail.

"From such basic craftsmanship, I can be sure that they must have been weapons of the Saxons, as the emperor would never use such low-quality weapons.

Not to mention that the rust that covers them shows that they have been in this place for a long time, but I don\'t understand why no one stole or reported these materials.

Even if they are rusty weapons and tools, they can always be smelted again to make some iron ingots. "

Chaplain Amis who had been detained pointed with his trembling hand to a part of the cave.

"I think it was because they never got out ...."

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