The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 47 - Making Myself You Enemy


There I was.

Holding the neck of the \'genius\' who declared me as whatever a troll might be.

The battle with those guys was a short-lived one.

At the start, this thief\'s who turned out to be slavers was quite an annoying bunch to deal with, but after killing half of them they lost almost all morale.

Which in turn makes things all the more annoying to deal with since I had to chase after them.

"Hey, you listing to me? If you don\'t want to join your friends you better start using that mouth of yours" I said while increasing my grip on this neck."

The man that has this throat gripped looked ghastly pale. This skin was starting to lose color with its eyes trembling.

"Plea-...nee- breat-..."

Looking at the man\'s eye slowly to turn around and saliva coming from this mouth I realized my mistake.


I turned around and threw him like at the remains of the previews fight.

"Cough~Cough! Please! I will ta- gasp!" He hastily tried to beg for this life but was shortly after shocked and disgusted by the current sigh in front of him.

Seeing this comrade who was just yesterday night having a nice drink and shared jokes with each other being cut right through the middle until this belly.

He imminently turned around and threw up what was remaining of this breakfast of this day.

Since it\'s not an everyday event to see the innards of someone else lien down on the ground like a merchant would show this warrs in an everyday bizarre.

Such a reaction was normal.

\'Good thing that I tossed him away before I was splashed with the "green juice"...\'

Shaking the remaining saliva in my hand with a heavy face, I picked up one of the short swords of the dead and walked towards the man.

"I ain\'t repeating, tell me where the other guys are and the one you call "Boss" before..."

Without hesitation, I stabbed the mentally and physically exhausted man with the short this sword that I picked up through his thigh.

"Ahhhhh!" Enormous pain overwhelmed the man to the point where this vision was blinded by own tears.

But these screams and tears imminently stopped when he saw the dreadful knight picking another of these short swords, while this gaze still being on this other thigh.

"Please! I already said I talk! I will talk...please!"

Seeing this determination to comply I stared at him blankly and hinted him to continue.

Ignoring the pain from this thigh, he began talking faster than he could breathe.

He didn\'t dare to wait with the gaze of this dreadful knight before him.

"We..! As I told you before we came here to raid this village and make the villagers...slaves" He mumbled last and took a peak at the knight.

Seeing no reaction he sighed in relief inside of him and continued explaining.

"As for your question... Most of us died here or runoff as you saw. We originally came here because one of the produ- I mean one of the villager girls had escape and the guys chasing her took too long to come..."

\'I see... the XP ba- the girl that I killed was the reason why so many came here. They finished their job and probably came to play with her while blaming the two guys for "damaging" the product.\'

"So? It can\'t be that everyone came here to simply \'play\' with her right?"

"Y-Yeah, only the few who manage the slaves inside the wagons with our B-Boss leading the caravan. They should be in the middle of the town right now. T-That\'s all! I really don\'t know anything else! Really!" He said with trembling and hiccups.

"I the middle of the town you say?" I said while looking far through the distance.

"Y-Yeah, Just walk straight this path if you want to go there." He pointed at the path behind him.

"Alright, thanks for the info then."

Seeing the dreadful knight put the short sword down and walking behind him towards the path.

An invisible weight from this heart disappeared and relief came to this mind.

\'I Survived! Nothing else matters!\'

Nothing else matters to him now.

Even though he felt the adrenaline in this body going away, thus regaining the pain in this leg.

He didn\'t care!

Feeling bad for betraying this comrade?

Ha! They can die a dog\'s death by this knight of all I care!

Even though this body was trashed around and this mind was a mess.

The man currently had a moment of pure euphoria.

He was just glad he was able to survive.

"As long as I can live, nothing else matt-"



The next moment he knew, this worldview became upside down and similar to when he watched himself in the mirror.

There was this headless body standing there.

The last thing he saw was the knight of before standing behind this body.

[You received 1200 XP]

As for me I simply stabbed the Veren sword inside his body and activating the runes to repair what damage was done in the fight.

After the repair has finished I walked towards the direction that the now dead man had pointed out while shaking my head by the last words of the man.

\'Surviving wasn\'t an option. It wasn\'t you guys making an enemy out of me. It was me making an enemy out of you.\'

After all, My sole reason for coming here was simply to find new armor and a scabbard...

"I hope that their boss has at least armor on him..."

My gaze landed in the direction where the man showed or rather to where I sensed my mana!

"Hehe, although that guy told the truth, it never hurts to be prepared!"

Without further ado, I ran off towards the chosen one!

Shortly after I already got a glimpse at the middle-aged man far away!

"Oh, there are the wagons that should have the slaves in."

After scanning the surroundings I felt disappointed.

"The man with the scar on this face should be the so-called " Boss" based on this equipped and the egg looking guy should be the one that takes care of the slaves...?"

Although I said that the scarface had better equipped, that only counted at this sword...

"My expectation was too big... I should end this quickly..."

What if I want armor?

What if I want a scabbard fitting exactly my Veren sword?

Am I greedy?


Do I care?

Hell no!

Concentrating the mana in the Veren sword and moving it like waves I shot out the always reliable [Wind Blade]!


The blade made out of mana and air cut through the very wind it was created towards the financially poor Boss!

"Boss! you got to believe me!"

"You dare say such nonsense like a troll pretending to be a knight? What is this one of the pranks that you got forced into?"

"No! Boss! I swear I would never tell suc- Huh? What is this sound?" As he was about to turn around and see the high-pitched sound that was getting closer and closer.

He was violently grabbed and pushed in front of this boss by this boss?


As these words came out of this mouth he felt an incredible pressure coming out of this back to the point where almost this complete body was cut in half.


The middle-aged man couldn\'t even cry out of pain as he was instantly killed by an almost invisible blade.

Although Bent was used to similar sights of horror like the man being split in two cause of this shady job that he had done, he was still shaken by the method that this trusted meat bag was dealt with.

\'A highly concentrated mana think this town would be so absurd...\'

Not only was an old geezer capable of showing the strength of a warrior, but there is a guy who is capable of shoot projectiles with such an affinity?

It wasn\'t the first time that Bent had seen this skill, which is the reason why he is cursing Bn.

By the simple use of the skill, he could tell that it lacked speed and stealth.

As far as he knew this martial art was called [Wind Blade] which was quite simple but also quite difficult to master.

The supposed peak of the skill was supposed to be an incredible fast blade that was almost invisible in the common eye.

And the martial art that he just saw was definitely the [Wind Blade]! Although that ominous mana sticks out like a jester in a royal palace. It wasn\'t less dangerous than of the peak of such skill and if yes only by tiny best weaker.

"To think that you will throw one of your subordinates just to block that." said a cold voice.

Seeing the man that this terrifying skill toward being a 1.95m tall with a menacing sword in this hand and a heavily damaged armor which looked like the metal had once melted down.

With the many holes that the armor, Bent felt like he was staring into the abyss as the only thing he saw in these holes was pure nothingness.

"I guess this will take longer than excepted," said the chilling voice.

Hearing the tone of the knight in front of him he could almost swear that he saw a vicious smile forming behind the knight\'s helm.

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