I Hate Systems

Chapter 1105.4: Representation War (Part 4)

Even though Hazen had a human form when he fought, he was basically an entire universe. After all, his body was pretty much two Cultivation Worlds that had fused together.

Once he was assimilated by Central Plains, all that foundation poured into his Darble World, creating a liveable space thrice the Earth\'s size. Currently, it was devoid of life.

But, forming massive structures was Darble that had been condensed by the combustion of his foundation.

Mountain, flat ground, sand, etc. any forms that Darble could take existed in his Darble Dungeon. Of course, it wasn\'t sufficient for life to exist. He needed to attain one more condition for that.

Opening the entrance to his Darble Dungeon, Hazen began to suck in the ambient air of Central Plains. Once his Darble Dungeon was filled to the brim with air, with its atmospheric pressure at a sufficient level, he began to add in the soil next.

A layer of soil over the Darble ground, reaching a height of thirty kilometres. Only after this did he stop. Just this process alone took him two months.

Thankfully for his Darlac reserves, he wasn\'t in the least tired. Hazen continued to run nonstop as he absorbed everything in sight and dumped them within his Darble Dungeon.

Following soil was water, the vital factor necessary to sustain life. His Puppets had spread far and wide to scout. And once he chanced upon a river, he began to devour the water there.

It was called a river, but its size was no different from a sea. It was prehistorically massive, stretching for thousands of kilometres in breadth alone. The currents were also rather fierce.

An energy blade covered his body and expanded, becoming a toad twenty metres in size. In its mouth was the entrance to his Darble Dungeon as the toad opened its mouth and chugged the river water.

The toad continued to swim as torrential water poured into the Darble Dungeon. But at the moment, the water didn\'t properly interact with the earth. One more element was missing.

After swallowing enough water, the toad came ashore as the energy blade vanished. The Haggon began to sprint once again. Central Plains was so massive that even after sprinting for so long, Hazen had yet to come in contact with another living being.

Despite being insanely populated, most of the races were clustered in certain regions where the terrain was favourable for them and from where they could wage war on the others.

And once Darlac set in, they had to migrate to more favourable environments. Their bodies weren\'t as ridiculously tough as before.

Thankfully, Darlac gave them vast stamina reserves, allowing them to travel as far as they wished.

After a month\'s journey, Hazen arrived before an active volcano, carefully sending the entrance to his Darble Dungeon into the lava, watching the lava get sucked inside.

The lava was sent underneath the Darble layer, creating an infinitely deep lava sea. The Darble Dungeon began to absorb the intense radiation unleashed by the lava as gradually, the Darble Dungeon brightened.

A sun formed in the sky. It was just a burning hot sphere of lava, with its heat supplied endlessly by the churning lava.

Thermodynamics was necessary for the functioning of a living environment. Therefore, Hazen camped at the active volcano and continue to devour its churning lava.

The other Secret Society members didn\'t have to do this for they had already created a stable living environment in their Darble Dungeons using the resources of their native worlds.

But as Hazen hadn\'t done that before, he had to focus on them now. Three months later, he had procured enough lava, watching his Darble Dungeon transform into a biome.

Rain fell from the sky as grass grew out of the fertile soil. Plenty of seeds were within the soil he had stolen. Therefore, once the conditions turned favourable, all sorts of vegetation grew.

At this point, his Darble Dungeon was complete. From here on, no external resources were necessary for its growth. All he would need to do was expend Darlac into it. The Darble Dungeon would convert that into whatever was necessary for its growth.

And now that it was complete, the Darble Dungeon began to spawn Haggons. Large amounts of Darlac were consumed from Hazen\'s body as baby Haggons appeared in the dungeon.

They had the body of a Haggon but the mind of a human, innately smart. They weren\'t members of Secret Society though, just regular Haggons.

Hazen\'s Haggon form munched on the trunk of a tree and burped, patting his full stomach. Once he recovered his expended Darlac reserves, he tallied the total amount, smirking, "That\'s a lot."

Darlac: 1,892,000!

His foundation was terrifying. Even an unfragmented Grade 2 System in Central Plains wouldn\'t have as much Darlac as him, not to mention their fragmented selves. He was the uncontested top dog here since Ahjar was just sleeping with no signs of taking action.

In his Haggon form, Hazen continued to run nonstop until he eventually came across a country. It was a country of vampires, one of the many they had. The territory they possessed was vast and continued to expand nonstop as their numbers bloomed through the wars.

"Those dumb humans that called themselves Hunters, meh." A Vampire commander in charge of a fort snorted as he used a human skull as a cup to drink blood out of. From the top of the wall, he stared out, commenting at the vast plains that stretched before them for dozens of kilometres, "Since there\'s no enemy in sight, let me enjoy this afternoon siesta."

"Commander! The river water thinned out suddenly!" A Vampire soldier rushed to report in a fluster.

"Why\'s that a concern…?" The Vampire commander snorted when suddenly, the skull glass in his hands dropped to the floor. He stared at the sky in despair, watching a shadow loom over him and expand far, covering his entire fort.

"An energy blade of this size…I\'ll be damned." He gave up on life, for falling towards the fort was an energy blade shaped into a frog. What was special was that its belly was filled with water, giving it enough weight that it was accelerating towards the fort.

And then, it crashed, turning the entire region into a crater bereft of life and any signs of civilisation.

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