The Deceitful One

Chapter 36 Interrogate

The next morning, Bryan came to Detective Watson\'s house, they had breakfast together and then left for the police station in his private carriage.

Yesterday, Bryan was taught the basics of spell structure and its functions. And he was thoroughly fascinated by the whole process. Earlier he thought that Transcendents cast spells out of nowhere.

But he couldn\'t be more wrong. It was impossible to create something out of nothing. However, spell structures functioned in an ingenious way.

Every different spell of all Ranks and Paths has its own spell structure which has been researched and perfected by generations of Transcendents.

A person casting the spell has to construct the spell structure in their mind with spiritual force. Spell structures were very much like mind runes, except they were expendable. Meaning, it would dissipate after it was used.

A very minuscule amount of spiritual force was needed to construct the spell structure. However, in order to activate this spell structure and cast the spell, additional spiritual force was required.

Once the spiritual force was added to the spell structure, a Transcendent would be able to cast all sorts of spells. This was the basis of magic. True magic.

With his increased analytical and memory-storing capabilities, Bryan believed that he would be able to fully understand all the underlying principles of spell structure in a few days.

While the carriage was moving toward the police station, Bryan looked at Detective Watson and asked earnestly, "Teacher, Pyke is locked in a cell inside the police station and I wanted to interrogate him. Can you provide me with assistance should I require any?"

Pyke was Jack\'s personal butler who had ordered Johnny to kill Bryan more than a month back. He was caught by the police because Jack had discarded him and made him take the blame for everything.

Detective Watson nodded and replied, "No problem. But Bryan, in the future no matter where you go and what you do, you must never bring harm to blameless people. Do you understand?"

Bryan nodded his head firmly, "I understand, teacher."

Detective Watson knew that the reason Bryan wanted to talk to Pyke was so that he could exact revenge on Jack.

And he didn\'t stop it, after all, Bryan was almost killed. If Bryan refused to take action then he, as his teacher, would have certainly killed the entire Brown Family.

But he didn\'t want Bryan to become a person who ruthlessly killed just about anyone. As his teacher, it was his duty to guide Bryan properly.

In the Transcendent world, one\'s hands would always be stained with the blood of others. It was just a matter of whose and when.

The carriage finally reached the police station which was located on South Kingston Avenue. The teacher and student duo got off the carriage and headed inside the police station.

Detective Watson was wearing a blue three-piece suit, a white shirt, and a navy blue necktie. He was wearing a black overcoat and a top hat. On his right hand was a cane whose handle was studded with gems of different colors.

Bryan on the other hand was wearing a black three-piece suit, a white shirt, and a black necktie. He was wearing a black windbreaker and a black fedora hat.

He didn\'t have a cane with him because he felt that it was useless to carry one around and was something only used by old people.

Inside the police station, Detective Watson caught sight of Head Constable, Thomas Smith, who was busy instructing a few other police officers.

He nodded at him with a smile, "Officer Smith, greetings."

Officer Smith hurriedly made his way to him and greeted him, "Good Morning, Detective Watson. I\'m very grateful that you have decided to help. Please follow me to my office."

The three of them made their way into Officer Smith\'s office. Detective Watson and Bryan entered the office and took their seats. The office was very spacious. Behind Officer Smith\'s chair was a bookshelf full of all kinds of books.

There was a coat hanger stand in the corner and a large painting of the Damascus Clock Tower hanging on the wall. The clock tower was a famous spot in Damascus situated in the center of the city, near the Church of Wisdom.

After taking his seat, Officer Smith spoke in a dejected voice, "3 murders within 5 weeks. And we can\'t seem to find any clue."

Detective Watson replied, "Tell me everything you know."

Officer Smith nodded his head and began to give all the details of the case, "The first murder took place on the 2nd of last month. The victim was a young girl of 17 years of age.

The second murder took place two weeks later. This time the victim was a young boy 18 years of age. And the last murder took place yesterday night, the victim being another 18-year-old young boy."

Detective Watson nodded, "Hmm, all the victims were late teenagers. Where were their bodies found?"

Officer Smith replied, "All three bodies were found in the area where the middle-class people of Damascus live. They were found in different alleys."

Detective Watson added, "Anything else?"

"Yes. The bodies had been carved from the torso and the heart, liver, and both kidneys were taken from all three victims." Officer Smith spoke with anger and hatred in his eyes.

Bryan was appalled. His eyebrows furrowed as he thought, \'Killing wasn\'t enough? The killer even had to take the organs as a souvenir?\'

On the other hand, Detective Watson was calm and no change in expression could be seen on his face. After all, throughout his career, he had seen and investigated things that could be said to be even viler.

He calmly nodded his head and instructed, "All right, please take me to the scene where the victim was found last night."

"Yes, right away detective." Officer Smith immediately agreed and got up from the chair.

Detective Watson smiled and added, "But before that, could you allow my student to interrogate the person who ordered the attack on him over a month back?"

Officer Smith was slightly taken aback but he still nodded, "Sure, no problem."

"Also it would be better If I could interrogate Pyke somewhere away from the eyes and ears of others," Bryan interjected.

Officer Smith raised his eyebrows and turned his gaze at Detective Watson. Seeing him not object, Officer Smith looked back at Bryan and said, "That can be done too. But you can\'t kill him. There are still rules and laws we have to abide by."

Bryan smiled and nodded, "Of course, Officer Smith." But he silently added in his heart, \'I\'ll just make him wish he were dead.\'

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