The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 23 - Decisions

- Feng Mian\'s Perspective -

I...lost. Horribly.

I was currently standing on the roof of the school, arms resting on the railing, staring at the beautiful sunset. Beside me, was a boy. The same boy that I had just lost terribly to in a duel. I had asked him to come after the duel finished...but now that we were actually here, I couldn\'t bring myself to say anything.

Like me, he was also gazing at the horizon, and an awkward aura filled the air. I-I wasn\'t a-admiring his face or a-anything! Then, taking a deep breath, I decided to break the silence.

"Hey...Xuan Kai?"

"...What is it?"

"Congratulations. For beating me."

"...Thank you."

T-That wasn\'t what I meant to say. I, once again, was too embarrassed to say it.

"...Is that all you wanted to say?" Xuan Kai prompted as he turned to look at me in the eyes. My heart began beating rapidly, while gazing back into his deep, black pupils.

"Huh? U-Um, n-no, I-"

"You\'re wondering why I didn\'t use offensive magic during the duel, aren\'t you?"

Wha-! How did he know?! Does he secretly have precognition abilities or something? It was like that in the duel too, it seemed as if he had predicted I would use Shadow Magic to escape. The thought of lying crossed my mind, but I quickly decided against it. C\'mon...I can\'t lie when you\'re staring at me so intently like that...and especially if it\'s you...

With no other choice, I answered truthfully. " did you know?"

He grinned and twisted his body, leaning his back on the railing. The sight subconsciously made me blush. "What other question could you have?"

Ah...that\'s true. There\'s no other reason why I would call him onto the roof like this, away from other people.

"Then...can you tell me?" I asked timidly.

"Hm...first, tell me what you think," he replied after a short pause.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Why do YOU think I didn\'t use offensive magic?"

The question hit me in the head hard. I mean, the reason I was asking him was that I didn\'t know!

"I\'m asking you precisely because I don\'t know!" I exclaimed.

He then turned back around to face the magnificent and lavish sunset. "Do you truly not know the answer..." he paused and tilted his head ever so slightly towards me. "...Or do you just not want to accept it?"

The penetrating gleam in his eyes that seemed to see through all was in no way weaker than that of the masked man that had the lives of my parents in his hands. But Xuan Kai\'s was...determined, and full of burning passion, in stark contrast with the cold and frightening one of that man.

His words coursed through my entire body, and made me realize that he was right.

I did know the answer. I just didn\'t think it was possible. I wanted to hear it reassuringly coming from another\'s mouth.

Did about me?

Did he...not want me to get hurt?

I had to know.

"Xuan Kai."


"Was it care about me?" I asked hopefully. I knew my face was as red as a tomato, but at that moment, I didn\'t care. I needed to know his answer.

"...I just didn\'t want you to get hurt." He averted his gaze as he said this, but that in itself was more than enough of an answer.

"Hehe..." I giggled to myself.

Xuan Kai then added in a softer voice. "Besides, you challenged me after witnessing my powers yourself. You actually wanted to lose, didn\'t you..."

He had seen right through me. Something I didn\'t want to admit myself, deep down, I didn\'t want to do this kind of thing anymore.

Now then...why did I bother so much about whether he cared about me or not? Why was it that whenever I was around him, my heart always thumped against my chest so loudly? Why did I want to spend every minute of my life together with him?

The answer was simple.

I had hopelessly fallen in love with the very person who was supposed to be my enemy.

"Hey." Xuan Kai called out, interrupting my romantic daydreams.

Kyah!! I mean, what?! I wasn\'t t-thinking about spending time w-with him! I s-swear!

"Y-Yeah?!" I replied in a pitch higher than I would\'ve liked.

"I\'ll help you."

"Fwah?!" What??? He said he\'ll help me? With what?

As if reading my mind, he continued. "That man...he has captured your family, correct?"

He didn\'t need to say anything more - it was clear which man he was talking about.

I sighed and tried to calm down. "Y-Yes...and to be honest, I\'m kind of in a dilemma right now."

I...might as well tell him my true feelings.

...N-Not in that sense!

"How so?" he replied with an arched eyebrow. Ah...just looking at him makes my heart at ease-

-Wait! That\'s not the point here! I shook my head. " mission was originally to steal the stone pendant from you."


I took a deep breath. "But now...I don\'t think I can. And not just because how much more powerful you are than me."

"...I see."

Then, after a brief delay, he continued. "...In that case, we\'ll just have to free your parents, no?"

"Huh?" What was he talking about?! Of course I knew that. "But that\'s a lot easier said than done!"

"I\'ll help you. We\', aren\'t we?" It seemed like it took him a while to find the right word, but the term he chose in the end warmed my heart. While not explicitly \'a couple\', it was fairly close. At least that\'s what I wanted to believe.

"R-Right..." I replied shyly, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks.

"By the way...that man doesn\'t have a tracking or recording device on you, does he?" Xuan Kai asked carefully.

"No. There\'s no chance he heard this conversation. That was one of the terms I listed when I accepted his offer." When he had first threatened me with my parents, I had made him promise to not put any tracking or recording device on me, in the name of privacy (with showers and whatnot).

"Kuku...he actually gave you enough leeway to make terms?" He didn\'t appear convinced, but I couldn\'t blame him. This relationship was purely master-servant. And servants didn\'t get to set conditions. But I guess, I was an exception.

"I managed to convince him, somehow..."

Xuan Kai appeared deep in thought. "He probably never thought that you would be brave enough to put your parents\' lives on the line and fight back."

Hm...that is indeed a possibility. It seems that Xuan Kai was not only strong now, but also quite clever. "You\'re right, that could be it," I replied.

"I\'ll take it you\'ve accepted my proposal then."

"Wha-! Proposal?!" I felt my face immediately turn flushed.

He sighed. "Er...not in that sense."

Um...okay. I felt strangely disappointed when he said \'not in that sense\', but it\'s a first step, I guess?

"Ehehe..." I laughed nervously.

"So. Come over to my room tonight."


"...Not in that sense," he sighed once again. "We\'re just discussing how exactly we\'re going to save your parents and free you from that man\'s control."

"Ah...right. Okay," I replied, slightly dejected. Mou~he\'s making my emotions go up and down... "Y-You need to be more careful when saying things like that with girls!"

"...I see."

And with that, I abandoned my mission to steal the stone pendant, and joined forces with Xuan Kai to rescue my parents. I knew that it was going to be dangerous. I knew that if that man ever found out about our conspiracy, my parents would be as good as dead. But despite all that, I chose to follow Xuan Kai. I trusted him...and he trusted me too. We were partners. Teehee!

Ahh~ I think...I\'m only falling for him even more...

But I will never show it! That would be way too embarrassing!

...M-Maybe sometime in the future...?

N-No! Too cringeworthy!

But maybe. Just maybe...

At last, the both of us stopped talking, and silence once again settled in the atmosphere. But unlike before, it was a soothing, comfortable tranquility, without a trace of awkwardness to be seen. And there I stood beside Xuan Kai, watching the beautiful sunset, ever so slightly leaning my head on his shoulder.

Xuan, just today for now, let me be comforted by the warmth of your body.

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