Epic Of The Demonic Sage

Chapter 468 A Stiff Yet Agreeable Dinner

Once Baron Hugh and his family were settled in, all four of them found themselves served by Kiana and the rest of the servants to make them feel welcome.

Similar to the hospitality that Baron Hugh provided to his guests during the celebratory banquet in Etara\'s Cross, the same was returned in spades in Inanis City.

Lucius prioritized their relaxation first for the first day, serving them delicious and fine meals prepared by the chef of the Inanis Mansion and welcoming them with the rest of the family.

"Those young ladies were heavily reprimanded by their families once I talked sternly with all of them," Baron Hugh said. "Well… it is the Baroness who spoke with the young ladies themselves and they have sworn to be upstanding ladies. Of course, they won\'t be like Lily, but let me reassure you now, Young Lord Asher that incident shall not happen again."

"Thank you, Baron Hugh. I appreciate it." Lucius said. "I can only imagine that some parents might have found themselves also upset with what occurred and may think that we\'re overreacting…"

"Hardly! If there are any, and I suppose, there were some insufferable parents who wanted their daughters excused and thought my meddling was cumbersome. Well, it merely speaks to the type of people that they are and I have no interest in engaging with them. They\'ll have to find their business elsewhere," Baron Hugh said as he cut through his steak and then put a slice in his mouth. "This is simply, divine. Mmm, are these the Joy Cows that I\'ve heard so much about? We\'re not exactly low in supply as nearby farms do import tons every day, but it can get all gobbled up by the fancy restaurants in Etara\'s Cross that even I have trouble getting access to them."

Baroness Hugh looked like she wanted to strangle her husband, but at the same time, didn\'t have any reaction to her face at all as she sipped her drink and then cleared her throat.

"This is… Humble Blaze, is it not?" she asked.

Everyone who was rapt with the boisterous story of Baron Hugh found themselves suddenly meeting the icy gaze of the Baroness.

It was something that even Viscountess Blackshield, a veteran of cold faces, to slightly choke on her drink about.

The Viscountess became cold due to the events that happened in her life, whereas, as far as everyone knew from the Baroness, she mostly had an affluent noble life and yet was incredibly stiff.

"Yes, it\'s the Humble Blaze. With Dionysia Brewery being present in the city, Count Gabriel and I often find ourselves enjoying a drink more than every day." Countess Lita added with a diplomatic and winning smile.

"I see. How fortunate. Countess Lita, have you tried the tea?" the Baroness asked next.

The smile on Countess Lita\'s face froze for a split second. Lucius knew that the Countess was great at concealing her emotions, but in that particular moment, there was a small slip up.

"The tea. Ah, yes, you\'ve given me quite a great gift, Baroness Hugh. I have sampled it when I came back home after the banquet, but I almost fear that my tastebuds are a little… indelicate for the specific blend you\'ve created. Shall we drink it this afternoon with the Viscountess?"

Viscountess Blackshield now choked on her own wine but discreetly coughed. 

"That\'s perfect now that I\'ve thought about it, Viscountess Blackshield. You haven\'t had the chance to sample it, and with Baroness Hugh here, then you can perhaps give her some feedback on it."

Viscountess Blackshield almost looked like she wanted to throw daggers at Countess Lita, but instead, she smiled simply and nodded. "I suppose it will be a welcome change to not have much alcohol in my body for once."

"I will be looking forward to it. Perhaps Countess Lita\'s niece and my daughter can join too." Baroness Hugh added.

Lucius had seen all sorts of people from this life and his past life, but the Baroness was one of the people who managed to shine out by the mere fact of how odd she was.

"A-ah, Mother. I am afraid that I cannot join you… Brother Benjamin needs me." Lily wiped her mouth with a napkin and tried to smile.


"U-uh," Benjamin panicked, threw a pointed look at his sister but then met Lucius\'s gaze. "It\'s because uh, we\'re hanging out with uh…"

"My apologies, Baroness. I\'m afraid that before this impromptu tea party was decided, I have already asked your two children to accompany me this afternoon." Lucius said.

While Lucius did not have any interest in Lily, the fact remained that Benjamin at least had a Gift that the man found useful. It was a fair trade to save them from their current predicament in exchange for the chance to speak with Benjamin in person.

Even if it meant that they would have a third party thrown into the mix.

\'Luckily enough, this Lily is akin to her namesake. A flower that\'s easy enough to ignore and dismiss without much consequences and hardly any effort necessary.\' Lucius thought.

Unaware of the thoughts in Young Lord Asher\'s mind, Lily couldn\'t help but suddenly blush and hid her smile underneath her napkin.

She had only chosen to ask help from her brother but did not expect that it would turn out that she\'d get an opportunity to spend time with Young Lord Asher as well.

\'I… I didn\'t think things would turn out this way! I\'m fortunate.\'

Meanwhile, Baroness Hugh looked at Young Lord Asher for about thirty seconds, unnervingly so, before she dipped her head and nodded.

"Very well, then it seems that there is nothing I can do. Perhaps, Lady Alessa is available this afternoon?" she inquired, mostly to herself than Lucius.

"We shall see about that!" Countess Lita said, once again filling in the conversation.

"Haha, if the women are having a tea party and the children will be on their own events this afternoon, Count Gabriel, what should we do?" Baron Hugh chuckled and addressed the Count.

"It has been a while since we\'ve sparred, Baron Hugh."

The Baron regretted asking his question.

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