Epic Of The Demonic Sage

Chapter 192 - The Awakened Doyle

Lucius and Kiana watched as his eerie yellow eyes opened up. The sclera of the eye was yellow in color while the pupils were red in color. And at the very center of the pupil, a black dot could also be seen.

This was one of the major changes that had appeared in Doyle\'s physiology. His eyes were enough to strike fear in most people\'s hearts, while those that were of weaker will might just faint from one look.

Lucius nodded his head upon seeing this and approached the newly awakened Lost.

"Listen to me, Doyle," Lucius called out.

"Hmm?" Doyle let out a strange grunt as he turned his neck in a rather extreme manner to look at Lucius.

It was even a bit grotesque to see a neck stretched in a manner like that and if it were any normal human, they would have likely damaged their neck at that point. But to Doyle, who was now a lost, this seemed like a natural posture.

"So he at least knows we are speaking to him." Lucius said. "His response to his name is a good sign." 

But when Kiana got a bit closer Doyle\'s eyes snapped towards here.

"HRNNNN!" A strange and violent sound was let out from his mouth as he bared his fangs at Kiana. 

That sharp tooth and the dark red mouth looked scary, and Kiana almost flinched at it.

"Don\'t show weakness," Lucius said as he grasped her hand.

"They will determine their standing by this…" Lucius added.

Kiana narrowed her eyes and nodded slightly before looking back at the being straight. This time there was no fear in her eyes and she stared down at the former human till it averted its gaze from her.

"Can you get up Doyle?" Lucius questioned while waving his hand that was glowing with hell energy.

Seeing the hell energy on Lucius\'s hands, Doyle suddenly got excited.




He pulled on his restraints to break free, but found it to be difficult.

"HAAA!" Doyle grunted again as he put his entire force on it.

"Is this fine?" Kiana questioned.

"Yes… at least we have the preliminary confirmation that he does understand to us. Now we get to test his strength and see if he can break free or not. It will give us a reference for future, just in case one of them does not want to listen to us for some reason and breaks free from their restraints." Lucius explained.

"Though… keep Sting Sniper ready, just in case." Lucius added.

"Okay," Kiana said with a nod.

She turned her hand behind her back so as to hide it from the view of the thing in front of her and activated her gift. It had already been established that Doyle could still think up to a certain level and might act against them if he detects direct antagonism.

Kiana\'s palm got a metallic layer before a small needle floated out of it. She kept it hidden in her palm as she lowered it to look normal. On the other hand, Lucius put one of his hands the handle of the sheathed sword that was on his waist.

This was none other than the Wind scar sword that was a gift from the king. While in concentrated attack power it was weaker than that of Kiana\'s gift Sting Sniper, Lucius reckoned that it should still do enough damage at close range, and even if that was not possible, it was still strange enough to push back an enemy.

After all, even if the body of Doyle had a thick skin and high defense, it didn\'t mean that he could not be pushed back. Though looking at his sharp toes there was a chance he might just be able to do that as well.

\'Well… better than nothing, I guess. If it really goes too much, I\'ll just use soul implosion.\' Lucius thought to himself as he looked on at Doyle.




The clanging of metal restraints only got louder, until a creak was suddenly heard.



One of the chains that held back Doyle\'s wrist was pulled to the limit, before it finally cracked.

"HRAAAAAAA!" Doyle let out a cry as his left hand was freed.

As for why it was the left hand? Doyle\'s right hand had been injured by Kiana using sting sniper before. Even if he had a higher healing rate than before, deep tissue damage like that was nothing, something that could be fully healed quickly.

While the surfaces of his skin had closed up and there was no bleeding, it didn\'t mean that there still wasn\'t damage to it. Because of this, the strength of his right arm was lower than that of his left hand.

But now that his left hand was free, Doyle was using that to free his right. Which was done rather easily.


Doyle simply used his nails and pried open the shackle that held his right hand in place. Once that was done he removed the restraints on his neck and then the waist. 



His feet on the other hand, managed to free themselves. Since they were locked together, Doyle used the nails of his toes to break the restraints that way.


"HYAA!" Doyle let out a cry that was almost bordering on victorious as he made the table collapse and he stood up.

His hulking figure was now in full display and was easier to judge for Lucius and Kiana. 

He was over six feet tall, and had wide shoulders looking like that of a wall. His legs were slimmer compared to his body structure, while his arms were a bit longer and muscular. Then there was the glimmer of his dark nails that flickered against the lamps of the lab.

Doyle turned around and looked at the two other people in the lab before his pupils reduced in size.


"Very good Doyle… very good." Lucius said with a clap.

"Now then… KNEEL!"

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